Solution-focused brief therapy is an approach to psychotherapy based on solution-building rather than problem-solving. It explores current resources and future hopes rather than present problems and past causes and typically involves only three to five ...
A brief history on Solution-Focused Brief Therapy is given, followed by pragmatic assumptions, offering a new ‘lens’ for looking at clients. SF
basic tenets that inform Solution-Focused Brief Therapy are as follows: • It is based on solution-building rather than problem-solving. • The therapeutic focus should be on the client’s desired future rather than on past problems or current conflicts. ...
153-154. doi: 10.1080/13575279.2013.877213doi:10.1080/13575279.2013.877213EmilssonMariaChild Care in PracticeRatner, H., George, E., & Iveson, C. (2012). Solution focused brief therapy: 100 key points and techniques. New York, NY: Routledge....
《另辟蹊径--焦点解决短期治疗实践》Doing Something Different--Solution-Focus Brief Therapy Practices读书笔记原著:Thorana S.Nelson主译 程灶火 王国强人民卫生出版社2011年12月第1版第1次印刷原编者有43人,中文翻译作者有9人,这仅仅二十六万字的著作而已,这个就让我醉了,但的确不走寻常路,doing something differe...
焦点解决短期治疗(Solution-focused Brief Therapy, SFBT)是指以寻找解决问题的方法为核心的短程心理治疗技术,是1980年代初期由Steve de Shazer和妻子Inn Berg Kim以及一群有多元训练背景(包括心理、社工、教育、哲学、医学等)的工作小组成员创立的。 与美国威斯康星州米华基(Milwaukee)的短期家庭治疗中心(Brief Family ...
Novice solution-focused brief therapists often have difficulty delivering scaling questions within the languaging of their clients. To help beginning Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) trainees, this researcher has created the metaphorically enhanced scaling question (MESQ) training program. By incorporat...
Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) focuses on a solution-oriented approach, offering a time-limited therapy intervention to improve mental health
In this study, we present encouraging preliminary results on the application of solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) to a special population. In a multiple case design, solution-focused therapy was used to treat three profoundly prelocutive deaf persons suffering from depression. The level of depre...
焦点解决短期心理治疗(SFBT)受到后现代建构主义的影响,由社会工作者Steve de Shazer和其妻子Insoo Kim Berg与多名咨询师组成的跨学科团队于1980年代初在美国威斯康星州密尔瓦基(Milwaukee)的短期家庭治疗中心(brief family therapy center,BFTC)的临床实践中发展而来 (de Shazeret al., 1986),作为以问题为中心的治疗的...