Visual Studio 會記住您的選擇,讓您獲得最符合您需求的體驗。 如果您想要返回預設的 [快速新增] 對話框,請選取 [Shift+F2]。 提示 您可以在 Tools>Options>Environment>Keyboard中,設定 Project.AddNewItem 命令和 AddQuickFile 命令的 鍵盤快捷方式。 檔案比較工具 從Visual Studio 2022 17.7 版 版開始,您現在可...
LEFT ARROW: Collapses the current selection if it is expanded, otherwise goes to the parent All keyboard shortcuts work in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 explorer except for the collapse on the solution. If you want all files in a solution to be collapsed use the tool: PowerCommands for M...
You can change the default editor for a given file type in the Open With dialog box; right-click on the file in Solution Explorer and choose Open With on the shortcut menu. For more information, see Open With Dialog Box. View Code Opens the selected file for editing in the Code Editor...
But not tracking at all is even worse, I often want to see the context that I'm working in, and digging around the solution explorer is not fun. This extension is the solution. Keyboard Shortcuts At the moment I haven't assigned any default shortcut keys but you can assign them yourse...
Simply select the node or nodes you would like to recursively collapse and press the button on the Solution Explorer toolbar or use the keyboard shortcutCtl + Alt + Num(-) (Num(-) is the "-" key on the numeric keypad). Select the solution node to recursively collapse all nodes in th...
如何快速打开Visual Studio中的Solution Explorer,方法一:使用快捷键Ctrl+Alt+L即可打开。方法二:在VS的搜索框中搜索SolutionExplorer点击即可,如下图:码字让我上推荐让更多的人看到吧~
a tab in the "Explorer" activity an activity with the Visual Studio icon You can configure it in the Visual Studio Code settings panel, looking for "VsSolution:Show Mode" section: vscode-solution-explorerhas several ways to open the solution files and you can configure them in the Visual St...
从Solution Explorer打开查看多个文档,在编辑文档时经常会搞不清楚当前文档在项目中的位置,希望Solution Explorer能够同步跳转到选中当前的文档的位置。 从Debug或Tools菜单项打开Options窗体,勾选下面的选项:
在可扩展性开发(五)中,我介绍了对于Solution、Project、ProjectItem的基本操作。可以认为它们面向的是解决方案内容的物理(文件)表示,我们需要使用VS提供的解决方案管理器(Solution Explorer)来管理它们。毫无疑问,解决方案管理器是VS中最重要的UI元素之一,本文将介绍对它的操作。
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Framework.dll Package: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Framework v17.12.40391 C++ Kopier public: static initonly Guid SolutionExplorer; Field Value Guid Applies to ProduktVersjoner Visual Studio SDK 2015, 2017, 2019, 20...