下面运用Solution Combination功能进行工况组合。回到Model模块,点击右上角Solution Combination 按钮,也可右键插入这个模块 首先认识下这个工具箱,列表示要组合的基本单工况,行表示组合系数,在列下面有一个Time/Frequency则表示根据你分析的类型来选择参加工况组合的荷载步,比如你设置了两个工况,分别为time=1,time=2,那么...
右键Solution 添加Directional Deformation,选择Y轴,求解。 8.Solution Combination 右键Model ,添加Solution Combination;分别添加两个工况,右键Solution Combination添加Directional Deformation,选择Y轴。 9.小结 关于模型有个很尴尬的问题,我用的是19.2版本的ANSYS,相信很多人用的是低版本软件,会出现无法导入的情况,这就需...
How to Use Solution Combination in ANSYS Workbench When it comes to elasticity analysis, load combination has always been an important post-processing step. Unlike design software that can automatically generate load combinations, general finite element software currently requires manual load combination, ...
TySOM embedded systems development platforms and stackable non-volatile memory express FPGA mezzanine cards combination is ideal for applications requiring high-bandwidth, low-latency access to SSDs within a reprogrammable system architecture. Henderson, USA – December 12, 2019 –Aldec, Inc., a ...
CivilFEM performs the best customization of the well-known Finite Element Program ANSYS. Thecombination of both programs, totally integrated, provides the Construction and Civil Engineering fields with the possibility of applying high-end technology to a wide range of projects. Using the same windows ...
Our Alveo accelerator cards deliver industry leading performance across a wide range of applications, and the combination with Algo-Logic’s innovative features and sub-microsecond latency performance creates a powerful PTRC solution that will offer great value to our customers.” Available for ...
system. This can be done in the early design stage and during optimization processes to evaluate thermal performance of different winding solutions. Request your 30-dayfree trialof Ansys Motor-CAD and you’ll have access to all the multiphysics tools needed totest your next hairpin winding motor...
Adbansys Consultoría especializada Nuestro enfoque es proporcionar el mejor talento para apoyar a nuestros clientes en sus proyectos de TI. Utilizando las últimas tecnologías y alineados a las mejores prácticas de la industria. Nuestra experiencia ...
下面运用Solution Combination功能进行工况组合。回到Model模块,点击右上角Solution Combination 按钮,也可右键插入这个模块 首先认识下这个工具箱,列表示要组合的基本单工况,行表示组合系数,在列下面有一个Time/Frequency则表示根据你分析的类型来选择参加工况组合的荷载步,比如你设置了两个工况,分别为time=1,time=2,那么...