If this is not successful, or the elemental cell is very large and doubtful, one must take into account that the solid-residue might also be a mixture of two or more solid-state forms (USP Chapter 941). Typically, the limit of detection of other phases by P-XRD will be about 10 %....
Chapter 3.5. Prediction Intervals. In Forecasting: Princliple and Praxis; Otexts: Melbourne, Australia, 2018; Available online: https://otexts.com/fpp2/prediction-intervals.html (accessed on 30 March 2023). Disclaimer/Publisher’s Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all ...
In this chapter, we show and discuss the results of the samples giving the best dissolution behavior for each etching system and suitable to examine the influence of the etching on the dissolution performances of...