The Solomon Islands are therefore in a most favourable situation with regard to diseases of cattle.doi:10.1111/j.1751-0813.1980.tb02578.xD. F. de FredrickMinistry of Agriculture and LandsR. L. ReeceMinistry of Agriculture and LandsAustralian Veterinary Journal...
[3]Statistical Bulletin: 14/2010, Solomon Islands Ministry of Finance & Treasury, Statistics Division (retrieved 2011-02-04). [4]Statistical Bulletin 06/2011: Basic Tables and Census Description, Solomon Islands Ministry of Finance & Treasury, Statistics Division (retrieved 2011-08-14)....
“Women’s participation and leadership are critical to safeguarding positive conservation outcomes and the health of at-risk communities,” said Trina Leberer, Director of The Nature Conservancy Pacific Islands Division. “We are incredibly honored to have Mary Kay’s support of the KAWAKI women’s...
The second is Statistical Bulletin 06/2011 , a pdf file downloaded from the Solomon Islands Ministry of Finance site. The second has more recent population data. Where the names given in the two sources differed, I chose the more likely spelling, or else classified the names as variants of ...
The Solomon Islands Government, the Ministry of Health and Medical Services, the Ministry of Lands and the National Statistics Office played an essential role in carrying the baseline studies. In particular, we would like to thank Permanent Secretary Dr. Tenneth Dalipanda, Director of Environmental...
Ministry and the Department of Lands & Survey. Progress in this area was slowed down due to the fact that the absence of the subsidiary legislation and regulations required by the Act to facilitate the process of land recording and registration. I have a few more pages of answer to ...
2003. Soil organic carbon in relation to cultivation and topsoil removal on sloping land of Kolombangara, Solomon Islands. Soil & Tillage Research 70(1): 19-27.Wairiu, M., Lal, R., 2003. Soil organic carbon in relation to cultivation and topsoil removal on sloping lands of Kolombangara...
Solomon lslands Constitutional-Making Process: Where to from here? Discussion PaperPaper, DiscussionWoods, TomAdvisor, TechnicalReform, ConstitutionalIslands, Solomon