Solo 401(k) Contribution Calculator Please note that this calculator is only intended for sole proprietors (or LLCs taxed as such). If your business is an S-corp, C-corp, or LLC taxed as such, please consult with your tax professional. Contribution Year Your Age (at the end of the ...
You can set up a Solo 401k plan if you do not have any full time employees. If your spouse works for the business, your spouse is also eligible to save. How it Works A Solo 401k allows you to contribute to your retirement savings in two ways: as an employee with salary deferrals fro...
Open a Solo 401(k) account with the power of checkbook control to create the perfect retirement plan for self-employed entrepreneurs! Broad Financial's Checkbook Solo 401(k) lets you maximize your retirement contributions and place those funds in a variety of retirement assets. And that's just...