template. This option is available only during table insertion. The weldment cut list table templates supplied with the software add columns to the default format. They are located at:install_dir\lang\english. The standard template (cut list.sldwldtbt) createsITEM NO.,QTY.,D...
SOLIDWORKS 2021 can generate IDs for Weldment Part Cut List item that is a unique identifier for each cut list item in the Cut List folder.
Properties such as DESCRIPTION and LENGTH are available automatically for bodies created through the Structural Member PropertyManager. You can add other custom properties for cut list items. Title Edit the text of the column header.Parent topicWeldment Cut List Tables Updating ...
UsingWeldmentCutListTables WeldmentCutListsareaspecialtypeoftablethatcloselyresemblesaBOMtableinmanyways. ThesearediscussedinChapter31,whichcoversWeldments. 703 WorkingwithTablesandDrawings 24 33_080139ch24.qxp3/26/075:29PMPage703 UsingGeneralTables GeneralTablescanbeusedforanytypeoftabulateddata.Columnheadersca...
Include a customizable bounding box description for weldment cut lists. Link cut list folder names to cut list properties for faster detailing of weldments. Automatic bounding box creation for entire part— includes bounding box properties. Speed downstream operations by automatically including more infor...
Menus and shortcut menus that are generally not used in an industry are hidden. For example, when you select Consumer product design, the Sheet Metal, Weldments, and Molds items on the Insert menu are hidden. To display hidden items, click Customize Menu on individual menus. You can also ...
SPR#/BR#DESCRIPTIONPRODUCT BR10000377649Option "Derived resulting part from similar bodies or cut list" when using the Save Bodies functionality does not longer works. It does not separate similar bodies.SOLIDWORKS BR10000364793General Hotfix – new SOLIDWORKS® eDrawings® 2024 SP1 Commercial versio...
has a weldment cut list with Description property name in English, newly created cut list will have Description property name in English. If the part has all weldment cut lists with non-English Description property names, newly created cut list will have Description property name in non-English....
这是2018版 自带帮助文件的API例子中文导航,如果有错误的,请指出来时间原因,我没有一一测试,只是大概过滤了一下。共计750个例 子:中文标题 Web Link 将绘图表缩放到窗口中的最大尺寸 Zo...
Weldments...188 Cut List Items...188