单击此处: 或者打开安装目录\samples\tutorial \assemblyvisualize\food_processor.sldasm。 2. 单击装配体直观 (CommandManager 上的工具工具栏或评估标签)。 管理器窗格中的装配体直观选项卡 包含装配体所有零部件的列表,该列表在打开时按照文件名分排。 蓝色值栏表示每个零部件质量 的相对值。 file://C:\...
For this SOLIDWORKS drawing tutorial, I decided to take the baby swaddle I designed inthistutorial, and show you how I would create the drawing sheet for production. I demonstrate a range of features in this tutorial, including inserting drawing views, adding dimensions to views, inserting a Bi...
Open install_dir\samples\whatsnew\assemblies\visualize\food_processor.sldasm. 36 Assemblies 2. Click Assembly Visualization CommandManager). (Tools toolbar or Evaluate tab on the The Assembly Visualization tab in the FeatureManager design tree panel contains a list of all components in the assembly,...
1.单击此处: 或者打开安装目录\samples\tutorial \assemblyvisualize\food_processor.sldasm 。2.单击装配体直观 (CommandManager 上的工具工具栏或评估标签)。管理器窗格中的装配体直观选项卡 包含装配体所有零部件的列表,该列表在打开时按照文件名分排。蓝色值栏表示每个零部件质量的相对值。 激活装配体直观化...
Visualizing the Assembly To visualize the assembly: 1. At the top of the last column, click Mass to sort the components by mass. 36 2. On the left side of the panel, click the vertical bar. Assemblies The vertical bar displays a spectrum of colors from red to blue. In the graphics ...
The Display Pane helps you visualize the display settings for each component in a display state. You can click in the Display Pane to change display settings for each component. In design tables, the new keyword $DISPLAYSTATE controls the display state of a configuration. The keyword $SHOW is...
3-16 Mesh Previews You can apply a preview mesh on the B-spline (non-analytic) surfaces of lofts to better visualize the loft surface. You can apply mesh to selected faces or to all faces. To use mesh previews in lofts: 1 Open Loft_Mesh.sldprt from the File Explorer . 2 Click ...