欲从零件生成装配体: 单击从零件/装配体制作装配体(标准工具栏),或者单击文件>从零件制作装配体。 装配体会在插入零部件PropertyManager 打开的同时打开。 在图形区域中单击将零件添加到装配体。 SOLIDWORKS 使第一个零部件固定。 父主题基本零部件操作
solidworks 的三种文件: part, assembly, drawing 可以利用特征造型来建立零件的模型.solidworks+assembly改成part方法:点击零件打开,保存,另存为part。打开了一个零件文件,想要更改系统单位,你可以通过状态栏的右下角“快速选择单位”选项进行更改。还可以设置模板:如果要将选定的单位应用于创建的新文档...
在SolidWorks中将零件添加到装配体(Adding a Part to an Assembly) ?? 您可在关联装配体中编辑零件时添加库特征零件 (.sldprt)。 您无法将库特征零件添加到装配体本身。 欲将库特征零件添加到装配体: 打开装配体,用右键盘单击一零部件,然后选择编辑零件。 在任务窗格中单击设计库标签? 。 选择Design Library(设...
FeatureManager The FeatureManager® design tree is a unique part of the SolidWorks software that employs patented SolidWorks technology to visually display all of the features in a part, assembly, or drawing. As features are created, they are added to the FeatureManager. As a result, the ...
Delete all features and sketches from the part.Confirm the Custom Properties.Confirm Document Properties.Save the Part Template.Assembly Templates Open the previous Assembly that contains the desired custom properties.Save a copy of the assembly to avoid making unintended changes to the original file....
You can copy and paste entities from an AutoCAD DXF or DWG file into SOLIDWORKS part, assembly, and drawing documents. In the SOLIDWORKS drawing document, the lines, arcs, notes, annotations, and so forth that you paste are attached to either a drawing view or the sheet, whichever is ...
导出后隐藏该零件,显示下一个零件,然后在导出菜单里更换文件名即可继续导出。 Abaqus仿真 导入inp文件: 新建模型,依次导入inp文件。 模型整合: 使用Copy Objects,将零件放到一个模型里 创建装配体: 在装配面板(assembly)里,创建装配体即可。所有的零件自带位置信息,因此不需要在Abaqus里再次配合。
A SolidWorks Addin to save SolidWorks file as glTF formats --Solidworks插件用来将SoldiWorks文件转换为glTF格式。将sldprt和sldasm转换为gltf。 Support *.gltf *.glb; Support PartDoc and AssemblyDoc; Next: Material Problem; Texture Problem; ... 安装包(Release) Release: https://github.com/weianweiga...