指定边线、基准面等的显示和选择选项。要设定显示和选择选项:单击选项 或工具 > 选项。 选取显示/选择。从下述选项中选择,然后单击确定。单击重设为所有系统选项或只为该页上的选项恢复厂家默认值。默认体积选择方法 套索 启用手画线选取。 长方体 启用框选取。 要将框选取更改为套索选取图形区域,请在图形区域中...
显示您用来设定基准面的正面颜色的 颜色 对话框。 正面颜色 背面颜色 背面颜色 显示您用来设定基准面的背面颜色的颜色对话框。 透明度 控制基准面透明度(0% 显示实体面颜色;100% 不显示面颜色)。 边线的颜色与正面和背面的颜色相同,但不透明,且总是显示。 0% 透明度 75% 透明度 100% 透明度交叉...
Document Recovery If Auto recovery is initiated in the System Options section and the system terminates unexpectedly with an active document, the saved information files are available on the Task Pane Document Recovery tab the next time you start a SolidWorks session. 12 SolidWorks User Interface (...
The actual fix is to open SOLIDWORKS Rx 2022 and click "Click here to launch SOLIDWORKS while bypassing the Tools/Options settings". This forces it to use hardware OpenGL acceleration. To force this permanently open the registry editor and go to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\SolidWorks\SOLI...
I followed the instructions in some other threads to launch the Solidworks while bypassing the Tools/Options settings, and it runs insanely fast! Then I realized that it may have something to do with registry settings. The posts in this thread helped me a lot! I slightly modified the script...
42、ng diagram on the menu, and set the option to display the contents when dragging the project view.108, when the model you refer to changes, you can specify whether the project view will be updated automatically. select the tools / options / system options / engineering diagram on the ...
The entity hierarchy describes how the components of the system are grouped together. The hierarchy of an engine example is depicted in Figure 6.27. If an entity in the hierarchy is an assembly, it can be expanded to display its components or collapsed without showing its components. The ...
CAUTION:Incorrectly editing the registry can severely damage your operating system. The SOLIDWORKS Technical Support team strongly suggests that you back up the registry data before making any changes to the registry. If you are unfamiliar with the registry, please work with your IT group to make ...
To create a drawing template as an example, using SW to create a part, then you can modify the "tools" - "options" in the "system options" and "file attributes" of the relevant parameters, to achieve their satisfactory results. You can also set views and other settings. As shown: ...
这是2018版 自带帮助文件的API例子中文导航,如果有错误的,请指出来 时间原因,我没有一一测试,只是大概过滤了一下。 共计750个例 子: 中文标题Web Link将绘图表缩放到窗口中的最大尺寸Zoom_Drawing_Sheet_to_Maximum_Size_in_Win