3.现在是时候去创造了 您会注意到当您添加您的第一个结构元件(Structural Member),您现在有一个标准的选择-“自定义(Custom)”和一个“Wood”的“类型(Type)”选择“Wood”和您所有的配置文件中都被列在列出的“大小(Size)”的下拉框。 SolidWorks 机械设计小技巧 : 定制的焊件(Weldment)4 这里有deck上的一个...
Chapter 1 : Starting with SolidWorks Installing SolidWorks 2024 1-2 Starting SolidWorks 2024 1-2 Starting A New Document 1-3 Part Mode CommandManagers 1-7 Assembly Mode CommandManagers 1-11 Drawing Mode CommandManagers 1-11 Opening a Document 1-12 Closing a Document 1-12 Saving the Documents ...
鋼材レイアウト(Structural Member)(溶接ツールバー)をクリックするか、挿入(Insert) > 溶接(Wldments) > 鋼材レイアウト(Structural Member)を選択します。 PropertyManager で、輪郭の規格(Standard)、タイプ(Type)、およびサイズ(Size)を選択しま...
can add different configurations of a structural member and save them as one profile in a library feature. For example, instead of having 50 separate library feature files for square tubing sizes, you can have one library feature file with 50 configurations that you can control by a design ...
No matter what type of software architecture (i.e., structural, procedural, or OO architecture) is adopted in programming, graphic user interfaces (GUIs) of a commercial FEA tool are usually user friendly, which allow users to access functional modules for FEA modeling interactively. In the foll...
◾IStructuralMemberFeatureData ◾IStructuralMemberGroup ◾IWeldmentBeadFeatureData ◾IWeldmentCutListFeature ◾IWeldmentTrimExtendFeatureData •Others ◾IBoundaryBossFeatureData ◾ICombineBodiesFeatureData ◾ICoordinateSystemFeatureData ◾ICosmeticThreadFeatureData ...
Create a Basic Structural Member Now, we’ll create a basic structural member to test out the custom profile. Create a new part, and sketch a rectangle on the top plane. In this example, I’ve dimensioned the rectangle to be 32 inches wide by 16 inches tall. ...
9.8.1 generates structural components 258 9.8.2 produces upright stents and tilted stents 259 9.8.3 generates weld 260 9.8.4 generates stents 261 9.8.5 application library part 263 9.8.6 generates cut list 265 9.9 summary of this chapter 265 The tenth chapter assembly design 10.1 ...
WeldmentFeature IStructuralMemberFeatureData WeldmentTableFeat IWeldmentCutListFeature 35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions 35 SldWorksLookup/Model/Tree/IFeatureInstanceTree.cs Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks; using...
这是2018版 自带帮助文件的API例子中文导航,如果有错误的,请指出来时间原因,我没有一一测试,只是大概过滤了一下。共计750个例 子:中文标题 Web Link 将绘图表缩放到窗口中的最大尺寸 Zo...