You can view contour plots of stress, displacement, and strains at the instants that the program stored results at all locations. You can also graph response at the pre-selected locations (vertices and reference points) at the specified resolution. For example, suppose that you set the ...
' 1. Deletes all default static study plots from the model document. ' 2. Activates the Ready static study. ' 3. Meshes and runs the study. ' 4. Creates Displacement1 plot. ' 5. Changes the units of the displacement plot. ' 6. Creates and activates Stress2 plot. ...
study has different plots that are customized. The first plot (“Plot1”) will be the plot that is shown right after the study is finished running. For Static Studies, the most common plots that are set up are Von Mises Stress, Resultant Displacement, Energy Norm Error, and Factor of ...
Now modify the study and create new Simulation contour plots. Review the plots to interpret the results for Von Mises Stress, Factor of Safety, Reaction Force and Displacement. ... Continued SOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson 12: Additional Resources By Marie Planchard April 20, 2023 Share this... ...
第12页/共30页线性静力分析:定义约束Define a new static study “LargeDisp”Drag’n drop the material and loads/bc folders from “small contact” studyRight-click on the study name and click on properties. Select “Large displacement contact” option.Run the analysisDefine a stress plot with ...
select “large displacement contact 11、” option. run the analysis define a stress plot with scale factor = 1. look at the contact area.线性静力分析:定义载荷线性静力分析:定义载荷 simulate heat resistance between parts for thermal analysis account for heat resistance of thin parts without actually...
线性静力分析:定义约束线性静力分析:定义约束 Define a new static study “LargeDisp” Dragn drop the material and loads/bc folders from “small contact” study Right-click on the study name and click on properties. Select “Large displacement contact” option. Run the analysis Define a stress pl...
5. 装配图网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑,并不能对任何下载内容负责。 6. 下载文件中如有侵权或不适当内容,请与我们联系,我们立即纠正。 7. 本站不保证下载资源的准确性、安全性和完整性, 同时也不承担用户因使用这些下载资源对自己...
It can also aid in sizing of motors and actuators needed to drive the motion of mechanisms. More to explore Regarding the structural analysis, ask the students how the forces acting on a particular object (whose stress is analyzed within SolidWorks Simulation) were determined. Are these forces ...
7、”Negative stress on “pole piece lower” (compression)Positive stress on “pole piece upper” (tension)线性静力分析:定义材料属性线性静力分析:定义材料属性 Simulate parts which are separated by large gaps First run the model with small displacement option and look at the results If you see th...