To show a body: Do one of the following: In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click the drawing view and click Properties. In the graphics area, in the drawing view, right-click and click Properties. In the Drawing View Properties dialog box on the Hide/Show Bodies tab, select th...
隐藏和显示实体(Hide and Show Bodies)对于多实体零件,您可以使用视图、隐藏/显示实体来隐藏或显示曲面或实体。欲隐藏实体:打开包含多个曲面或实体的文件。 单击视图、隐藏/显示实体。在PropertyManager 中,在隐藏的实体下为曲面/实体 在图形区域中选取实体。 当您选取一...
HideDimension Method (IModelDoc2) 隐藏此文档中选定的维度。 HideShowBodies Method (IModelDoc2) 设置是隐藏还是显示模型中的实体。 HideSolidBody Method (IModelDoc2) 隐藏当前选定的实体。 IAddConfiguration3 Method (IModelDoc2) 将新配置添加到此模型文档。 IAddDiameterDimension2 Method (IModelDoc2) ...
Edit/编辑(E)All Configurations..【所有配置(A)..】Edit/编辑(E)Specified Configurations..【指定配置(S)..】Edit/编辑(E)Unsuppress【解除压缩(U)】Edit/编辑(E)This Configuration..【此配置(T)..】Edit/编辑(E)All Configurations..【所有配置(A)..】Edit/编辑(E)Specified Configurations..【指定配置(...
The vendor-neutral file formats in Table 7.13 provide basic representations of geometries such as vertices, edges, and boundary surfaces of solid bodies; the models of solid objects in these formats do not include all information about how solid objects are created, such as the information about ...
These views can help designers visualize the model more effectively and ensure that all components are properly placed. Tip 12: How to Join Similar Bodies with the Combine Common Command in SOLIDWORKS If you have some sort of model geometry that you can define by its orthographic views, for ...
You can scale selected bodies in case of a multi body part. You can also scale with different values of X, Y and Z directions by deselecting uniform scaling and adding required values for X, Y and Z directions. Now if you have various configurations, you can easily control the scale fac...
Flex is a post-processing operation to bend, twist, and taper bodies like this propeller. Inspection Measuring The most simple way to measure distances is by selecting an element in the viewport and check for related dimensions that show at the bottom of the screen underneath the 3D viewport....
Delete Facewith theDelete and Patchoption can be used to cleanly remove fillets and patch the geometry up back to the sharp corners. This is useful with imported bodies where the size of the fillet needs to change, rework needs to be done to add draft, or the model needs to be simpl...
But when all of the bits and pieces are contained in the same part (hence the term “multibody”), then we need another solution. There are several, such as hiding bodies in View Properties, or creating Display States in the model (to be later selected in the drawing view properties). ...