Properties specific to sheet metal parts are calculated and displayed in the Cut-List Properties dialog box. Some of the properties that are calculated are based on the bounding box, the smallest rectangle in which the flat pattern can fit. You can set a grain direction to determine the ...
When you assign a custom material to a sheet metal part, you can link the sheet metal parameters to the material. This option uses sheet metal parameters attached to the selected material. When selected, the parameters assigned to the material apply to everything in the Sheet-Metal folder in...
Find a Reseller Launch in a separate window Lesson Description Status:{{ lessonStatus.statusText }}{{ modalDescription }} Product/Role: Length:{{ lesson.duration }} min Available to:{{ lesson.availableText }} Learning Paths: Related Classroom Training:{{ lesson.lookupRelatedCoursesTitle }} ...
2.3. Custom properties for cut-list folders If a part has Weldment or Sheet Metal bodies, SOLIDWORKS will group identical bodies in cut list folders. Other body types are not grouped, even when they are identical. Cut lists are tricky to work with and there are two methods for finding all...
custom properties, and so on. 等等中。 graphics area 图形区域 The area in the SolidWorks win dow where the par t,SolidWorks?窗口内零件、装配体、或工程图显 assembly, or draw ing appears. 示的地方 Grid Systems You can use Grid Systemsto guide placeme ntof structural members, locate equipment...
Learn properties specific to sheet metal. Use the Sheet Metal feature to control sheet metal gauges, bend allowances, and Auto Relief options. Use
globalvariable 整体变量 Avariablethatyoudefine,for useinequations, 您所定义的变量,用于方程式、自定义属性, customproperties,andsoon. 等等中。 graphicsarea 图形地区 TheareaintheSolidWorkswindowwherethepart,SolidWorks?窗口内零件、装置体、或工程图显 assembly,ordrawingappears. 示的...
A variable that you define, for use in equations, custom properties, and so on. 您所定义的变量,用于方程式、自定义属性,等等中。 graphics area 图形区域 The area in the SolidWorks window where the part, assembly, or drawing appears. SolidWorks窗口内零件、装配体、或工程图显示的地方 Grid Systems...
SolidWorks allows users to import and define custom bend tables, ensuring accurate bending operations. Additionally, users can specify bend allowances to account for material stretching and compression during the bending process. 6. Simulating Sheet Metal Forming: SolidWorks provides simulation capabilities...
A variable that you define, for use in equations, custom properties, and so on. 您所定义的变量,用于方程式、自定义属性,等等中。 graphics area 图形区域 The area in the SolidWorks window where the part, assembly, or drawing appears. SolidWorks窗口内零件、装配体、或工程图显示的地方 Grid Systems...