Setting Default UnitsTo set default units: Click Simulation > Options. On the Default Options tab, select Units. Under Unit system, select a unit system. The selected unit system is used by default for quantities other than the quantities specified in Units. ...
Default Options - Units Default Options - Interactions Specifies the default settings for global-level interactions for new simulation studies. Default Options - Load/Fixture Default Options - Mesh You set the default meshing options for new studies. ...
01 SolidWorksOverview Chapter 2024/3/27 3 Softwarebackgroundandcharacteristics SolidWorksisa3DCADsoftwarepackagethatprovidesacomprehensivesetoftoolsforthedesign,simulation,andmanufacturingofproducts DevelopedbyDassaultSystems,SolidWorksiswidelyusedinvariousindustriessuchasaerospace,automotive,consumerproducts,andmachinery 20...
SetAmbientLightProperties Method (IModelDoc2) 设置环境光属性。 SetAngularUnits Method (IModelDoc2) 设置当前角度单位。 SetArcCentersDisplayed Method (IModelDoc2) 设置当前显示的弧中心设置。 SetBendState Method (IModelDoc2) 设置钣金零件的折弯状态。 SetBlockingState Method (IModelDoc2) 设置solidworks菜...
newPart.SetUserPreference((int)swUserPreferences_e.swUserPrefUnits,(int)swUnits_e.swUnitsMillimeters); //保存零件 newPart.SaveAs(C:\\Temp\\MyPart.sldprt,(int)swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptionsDefault,,,); //关闭零件文档 newPart.Close(); //退出SolidWorks应用程序 swApp.Quit((int)swClose...
If you want to create a new ‘Part,’‘Assembly,’ or ‘Drawing,’ click on the respective icons. Clicking one of these options will open the ‘Units and Dimension Standards’ window that, as the name suggests, prompts you to choose the default units and dimension standards. (You can als...
4 Accept the default settings. Q Click OK from the Document Properties - Units dialog box. Return to the SolidWorks Graphics area. Let's Build Something! 17 Hands-on Test Drive Begin Sketching Solid models are built from features. Initially, features are based on 2D sketches. The sketch is...
Plot -> Color Chart–You can choose the Number Format and the number of Decimal Places on the legend. Enabling the option to change the color above yield for von mises plots is a popular option to quickly alert you to a problem. Depending on the units used, Floating number format is oft...
Start a SolidWorks session and naviga te through the So lidWorks (UI) and CommandManager. ? Set units and dimensioning standa rds for a SolidWorks document. ? Generate a 2D sketch and identify the correct Sketch plane. ? Add and modify sketch dimensions. ? Create a 3D model. ? Understand...
43、he options for automatically updating the project view109 you can print an area selected in the engineering diagram, and you can specify a zoom factor for the printed area110 if you show a double dimension, you can place the replacement units at the top or right of the main unit size...