ファイル(File)>新規保存(Save as New)をクリックします。 次のタイプで保存(Save as type)で、シート フォーマット(*.slddrt)(Sheet Formats (*.slddrt))を選択します。 ファイル名(File name)を編集します。 新規保存(Save as New)をクリックします。
boolstatus=swApp.NewDocument(C:\ProgramFiles\SolidWorksCorp\SolidWorks\templates\Drawing.slddrt,0,0,0) SetDrawing=swApp.ActiveDoc 插入零件工程图 boolstatus=Drawing.InsertModelView(Default,Part) 保存工程图文档 drawingPath=C:\Users\YourName\Documents\Drawingi.SLDDRW Drawing.SaveAsdrawingPath,0,0 关闭零...
SwDraw.NewSheet3 SheetName, 12, 12, 1#, 10#, True, "美克A4横.slddrt", 2, 2,"" SheetArr = SheetArr& SheetName Debug.Print "add" & SheetArr SwDraw.Activate SheetName Set CurSheet = SwDraw.GetCurrentSheet CurSheet.SheetVisible = True 'CurSheet.SetTemplateName DrawTemp '...
slddrt SolidWorks template file. Contains sheet templates for creating 2D drawings The Parasolid modeling kernel used by the software is also worth mentioning. Parasolid X_T and X_B files are 3D exchange formats without a history, but are the first choice for exchanging 3D models between CAD/CAM...
25、pare) = 0 Then If Not InStrRev(1, SheetArr, sheetname, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then SwDraw.NewSheet3 SheetName, 12, 12, 1#, 10#, True, 美克A4横.slddrt, 2, 2, SheetArr = SheetArr & SheetName Debug.Print add & SheetArr SwDraw.ActivateSheet SheetName Set CurSheet = SwDraw.Get...
swDraw.SaveAsA4_ISO_Template.slddrtm 关闭工程图 swDraw.Close 退出SolidWorks swApp.Quit EndSub 4.自定义工程图视图自定义工程图视图 自定义工程图视图允许用户根据需要调整视图的显示方式,包括视图的旋转、缩放、位置以及是 否显示剖面线等。这对于复杂零件的工程图制作尤为重要。
SetupSheet6("Test", swDwgPapersUserDefined, swDwgTemplateCustom, 1, 1, True, "C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS\lang\english\sheetformat\a - landscape.slddrt", 0.2794, 0.2159, "Default", False, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 3, 3) swModel.EditSheet swModel.EditSketch swModel.Force...
*.slddrt. The construction of the drawing format is shown below. How do you fill out the information in the title bar when your templates are established? Fill in one by one with the "note" command, of course, but anyone who works with product design knows that, In the product...
Sheet Format File (.slddrt): All information stored in Sheet Format (right-click on sheet > Edit Sheet Format); this includes borders, titleblocks, logos, etc. All table anchors (BOM, Weldment Cutlist, etc) As mentioned in the Drawing Template file, any existing sheet in the template alrea...
The extension of the drawing format is: *.slddrt. The construction of the drawing format is shown below. How do you fill out the information in the title bar when your templates are established? Notes command a fill, so of course you can, but engaged in product design and the people ...