参见操作(在装配体的零件编辑中Smart DimensionCtrl+D:Reference dimension其他零件)的提示Dimensions can only be created between elements of the prat being edited.Edit the assembly to create reference dimension... 参见Referencing dimensions from another part : SolidWorks main assembly that drive the dimensio...
out-of-context非关系特色Afeaturewithanexternalreferencetothegeometry拥有到不是开环的另一零零件几何体的外面 featureofanothercomponentthatisnotopen.Seefature.参照之特色。另请参阅特色。 overdefined过定义Asketchisoverdefinedwhendimensionsor当尺寸或几何关系发生矛盾或剩余时,草图则 relationsareeitherinconflictor...
3.Resolving error message, “Process stops because some file have reference outside the selected folder”, when using Batch Save to 3DEXPERIENCE. –Bhavya JHAVERI When using Batch Save to3DEXPERIENCE, you may encounter the error “Process stops becau...
A component cannot have an external reference to itself (a circular reference). You cannot reference one instance of a part to create a feature on another instance of the same part, even if the instances are in different configurations. You cannot replace a part with another part created ...
Reference geometry is used to assist in creating features such lofts, sweeps, drafts, chamfers, and patterns. See construction geometry. Any document that is referenced by another, typically part documents associated with an assembly or drawing documents associated with part or assembly documents. A...
When you create a derived part that is linked to the base part, theDescriptionproperty of the derived part’s cut list uses the same evaluated value as the base part. The derived part’s units and dimensions are disregarded. When a part has an external reference, its name in the Featur...
Toolbox components are stored in a standardized location. The default is C:\SOLIDWORKS Data, though it may have been moved to a server for shared access. Typically these components do not need to be copied to the new folder. They will continue to reference the Toolbox directory. However in...
Inserting subassemblies Replacing a part with another part in an assembly Creating a coordinate system Using a coordinate system to perform mass properties analysis Standard SOLIDWORKS tools that may be covered in the exam include: Sketch entities - lines, rectangles, circles, arcs, ellipses, center...
Attribute information for an assembly differs from that for a part, with the addition of assembly information describing the position and orientation of individual components relative to a local reference frame. Once all the hierarchy information and assembly information are available, the global ...
Clean up dangling dimensions more efficiently by reattaching them to the proper reference points. Exclude hidden sketches from DXF™ Flat-Pattern with a new option. Create drawings that communicate designs more clearly with improvements to chain dimensioning, more efficient dimension reattachment, and ...