您可创建平行于屏幕的参考平面,而无需使用平面 PropertyManager。 在图形区域中右键单击一个面,然后单击创建平行于屏幕的平面。 软件将在您右键单击的位置添加一个平面上或曲面上 3D 草图点,并将在该点处定位一个平行于屏幕的参考平面。 如果曲面移动,该草图点也可能会移动。 若要确保该草图点不移动,则相对于...
Planes Parallel to Screen You can create a reference plane that is parallel to the screen without using the Plane PropertyManager. Document Properties - Plane Display You can specify color, transparency, and intersection options for plane display. Available for parts and assemblies. Hiding or Showin...
Plane Parallel to Screen 4-18 Axis 4-19 Coordinate System 4-21 Point 4-22 Center of Mass 4-23 Mate Reference 4-24 Bounding Box 4-25 Lofted Boss/Base Tool 4-26 Boundary Boss/Base Tool 4-29 Removing Material from Solid Objects 4-32 Extruded Cut 4-32 Revolved Cut 4-33 Swept Cut 4...
First Point origin Indications that you are in Sketch Mode 21 Hands-on Test Drive Adding Geometric Relations The rectangle is sketched on the correct sketch plane, but it is not in the correct location. Instead of placing the rectangle at some point in space, relate it to the origin. Note...
In Design Guidance, you need a surface or a plane to apply a restraints or a load. In this study, we will use planes. In the xDesign login screen, we create a new component called Chassis. We create a new plane parallel to the YZ plane and at a distance of 0 mm. By opening a...
ScreenRotate Method (IModelDoc2) 在模型和屏幕中心旋转之间切换。 SelectedEdgeProperties Method (IModelDoc2) 设置选定边的特性值。 SelectedFaceProperties Method (IModelDoc2) 设置选定面的材质特性值。 SelectedFeatureProperties Method (IModelDoc2) 设置选定要素的特性值。 SelectLoop Method (IModelDoc2) ...
ScreenRotate Method (IModelDoc2) 在模型和屏幕中心旋转之间切换。 SelectedEdgeProperties Method (IModelDoc2) 设置选定边的特性值。 SelectedFaceProperties Method (IModelDoc2) 设置选定面的材质特性值。 SelectedFeatureProperties Method (IModelDoc2) 设置选定要素的特性值。 SelectLoop Method (IModelDoc2) ...
5 While the cursor still appears to be two parallel lines with perpendicular arrows, hold down the left mouse button and drag the panel to a different size. 6 When the panel appears to be the size that you wish, release the mouse button. SolidWorks Windows SolidWorks windows have two ...
Spline On Surface, or3D Sketchcommand. Every sketch contains dimensions defining the drawing, and constraints describing the sketch elements’ relation to one another or to other features of the 3D model. A line, for example, can run in parallel, coincident, or perpendicular to another mating el...
At worst, what you thought would be a Front view may not be the front; this is for the most part irrelevant, as the user is able to choose the views at the time of detailing the part in the 2D drawing for manufacturing. Select the Top Plane from the screen using the left mouse ...