水平累進寸法 (Horizontal Ordinate Dimension) または 垂直累進寸法 (Vertical Ordinate Dimension) のいずれかを選択し、寸法の方向を指定できます。 最初のアイテム(エッジ、頂点など)を基準点として(つまり0.0寸法値として)クリックし、寸法をモデルの外に配置するために再度クリックします。 同...
AlignOrdinate Method (IModelDoc2) 对齐选定的一组坐标标注。 AlignParallelDimensions Method (IModelDoc2) 以平行方式对齐选定的线性标注。 BlankRefGeom Method (IModelDoc2) 在图形窗口中隐藏选定的参考几何图形。 BlankSketch Method (IModelDoc2) 隐藏选定的草图。 BreakDimensionAlignment Method (IModelDoc2)...
Ordinate dimensions are automatically grouped to maintain alignment. When you drag any member of the group, all the members move together. To disconnect a dimension from the alignment group, right-click the dimension, and selectBreak Alignment. ...
76 Drawings Other types of reference dimensions include baseline dimensions and ordinate dimensions. For example, you might add ordinate dimensions to the front view of the cabinet as shown. You can dimension to edges, vertices, and arcs. The dimensions jog automatically to avoid overlapping. You ...
您可以创建用于测量两点间水平或垂直距离的尺寸。单击绘制 > 坐标尺寸 。 单击以定义要测量的两个点并指定尺寸线位置。 您也可以通过在输入坐标字段中输入值来手动输入坐标。X 和 Y 坐标中的值必须用逗号分隔(例如,150,125)。 :结束命令。父主题尺寸命令 ...
Ordinate dimensionMenu: Draw > Ordinate dimensionCreates a dimension measuring the horizontal or vertical distance between two points.Ends the command.Define the two points measure and specify the dimension line position.Enter coordinates: Enter a value for the X and Y coordinates. These two ...
swCommands_HoleAlignment 2822 swCommands_HoleCallout 121 swCommands_HoleSeries 556 swCommands_HoleTable 446 swCommands_HoleWizard 39 swCommands_Holewizard_Callout 1839 swCommands_Home 1617 swCommands_HorizontalBreak 568 swCommands_HorizontalDimension 66 swCommands_HorizontalOrdinateDimensi...
swAddOrdinateDims_e swAddSpecificDimension_e swAddToRecentDocumentList_e swAdvancedHoleResults_e swAdvSelectType_e swAdvWzdGeneralHoleTypes_e swAlignDimensionType_e swAlignDrawingViewTypes_e swAlignViewTypes_e swAngleUnit_e swAngularEquationUnits_e swAnimationOutputType_e s...
swAddOrdinateDims_e swAdvSelectType_e swAlignDimensionType_e swAlignDrawingViewTypes_e swAlignViewTypes_e swAngleUnit_e swAngularEquationUnits_e swAnimationOutputType_e swAnimationPlayMode_e swAnimationPlaySpeed_e swAnimatorAxisOfRotation_e swAnimatorDirectionOfRotation_e swAnnotatio...