Geomagic for SOLIDWORKS 3D mesh to solid model of a gas valve Import an STL into SOLIDWORKS using Geomagic reverse engineering software, quickly repair the polygon data, and rapidly build a perfect solid model with 3D deviation analysis on-the-fly...
Opening a mesh model in SolidWorks is not difficult. Turning a mesh into a parametric model in SolidWorks will require that the model be re-modeled feature by feature. You can use the imported mesh, or surface as a guide to help speed things along, but it is not an easy task. Upvote ...
粗略品質網格 自動網格產生器產生直線四面體實體元素。 精細品質網格 自動網格產生器產生拋物線四面體實體元素。 直線元素亦稱作初階或低階元素。拋物線元素亦稱作二階或高階元素。 直線四面體元素係以連接六條直邊線的四個角的節點定義。拋物線四面體元素係以四個角的節點、六個中間節點及六條邊線定義。下圖顯示直線...
Meshing options are essential factors in determining the quality of the mesh and the results. Results based on different mesh settings must converge if an adequately small element size is used. Meshing options apply to models with solid and shell mesh elements but not to those with beams. ...
•流道过短导致无法建立实体网格 (A runner is too short to create solid mesh) 一个主流道与两个分流处连接,如下图。 当两个分歧点之间的流道长度不够长时,流道的实体网格将无法创建成功。 我们建议将流道长度至少增加为主流道直径的 1.5 倍,如下图所示。
对“Solid mesh而詈,因为节点无转动自由度,所以选择商定”和 不可移动的效果是完全一样的。定义完约束之后,模型的空间位置就被固定下来了。此时, 模型不可能再发生除弹形变形之外的位移(在 FEA的静态分析中,可能存在的也 只能是弹形位移),称之为 模型没有刚体位移定义载荷:在现实中,只能大概地 6、知道载荷的...
*.stl file could be converted into solid body, however, it will still be tessellated. New inSOLIDWORKS 2018is theSurface From Meshtool, it lets you manipulate a mesh object that you imported from an *.stl, *.obj, *.off, *.ply, *.ply2 or *.3MF file to create surfaces and solids...
SOLIDWORKS 2022 combines the advantages of mesh data with the accuracy of parametric features with... SOLIDWORKS 2022/Video SOLIDWORKS 2022 Routing SOLIDWORKS 2022 significantly accelerates the routing of 3D wires, cables, and harnesses in your product... ...
•网格层级 (Mesh Level (eDesign)) 使用者可以选择网格层级。预设的网格层级是最粗的(Coarsest);更高的网格层级意味着更密集、更多的元素以及更好的分析精度。在本章节中,您还可以选择确保足够的网格层。此功能将确保在网格生成过程中有足够的网格层。而这将会使模拟更加准确,但会创建更多的网格元素。在这部分...
Rapidly get from 3D scan to solid CAD model with Geomagic for SOLIDWORKS, an enhanced toolset that plugs straight into SOLIDWORKS.