在SolidWorks中将零件添加到装配体(Adding a Part to an Assembly) ?? 您可在关联装配体中编辑零件时添加库特征零件 (.sldprt)。 您无法将库特征零件添加到装配体本身。 欲将库特征零件添加到装配体: 打开装配体,用右键盘单击一零部件,然后选择编辑零件。 在任务窗格中单击设计库标签? 。 选择Design Library(设...
You can create a new part in the context of an assembly. That way you can use the geometry of other assembly components while designing the part. You can also create a new subassembly in the context of another assembly. See Inserting a New Subassembly. Before you begin: Specify the ...
详细信息请参阅装配体中的零部件配置。 根据需要更改零件。 如要回到编辑装配体状态,用右键单击 FeatureManager 设计树中的装配体名称,或用右键单击图形区域中的任何地方,然后选择编辑装配体:<装配体名称>,或单击编辑零部件 。 在SOLIDWORKS 知识库中搜索“Editing a Part in an Assembly”...
solidworks 的三种文件: part, assembly, drawing 可以利用特征造型来建立零件的模型.solidworks+assembly改成part方法:点击零件打开,保存,另存为part。打开了一个零件文件,想要更改系统单位,你可以通过状态栏的右下角“快速选择单位”选项进行更改。还可以设置模板:如果要将选定的单位应用于创建的新文档...
feature特色Anindividualshapethat,combinedwithother为单个形状,如与其他特色联合则构成零件或 features,makesupapartorassembly.Somefeatures,装置体。有些特色,如凸台和切除,则由草 suchasbossesandcuts,originateassketches.Other图生成。有些特色,如抽壳和圆角,改正特 features,suchasshellsandfillets,modifyafeatures征的...
If you forgot to fix the component,SolidWorkswillfix first inserted componentby default. So, always insert the stationary part of your file into the SW assembly. By seeing the Features manager design tree, you can get idea about which component is fixed or float condition. The fixed component...
Changes that you make to an assembly are reflected in the associative drawings of that assembly. Changes that you make to a part are reflected in the associative assembly. Typically, you design each part, combine the parts into assemblies, and generate drawings in order to manufacture the parts...
location and gross geometry for an entire assembly. Geometry detail is generally found in the individual part files. A big advantage is the time gain when you need to make model changes. In this case you just need to edit your master model and these changes are directly transferred to the ...
As an example, in the dynamics view, the assembly hierarchy defined in the CAD model might not be suitable for multibody mechanical system definition. For that, parts or assemblies need to be regrouped into bodies and then connection joints, allowing relative motion between bodies, need to be ...
If the part is used in another open assembly document, with the Use component’s in-use or last saved configuration option selected, those instances are also affected. For more information, see Specifying Component Configurations in an Assembly. Make the necessary changes ...