Hi guys, have anyone encounter when import a stl into solidworks as surface body/solid body and as graphic body, the imported body is different 徐展14 May, 2023 03:47 PM 很棒 Emmanuel Katto 12 Oct, 2023 05:51 AM Awesome! 任广超 24 Dec, 2023 05:19 PM Thank You!! Yang ZN 25 ...
solid work问题急救 黄黑军团77 求助一下,我不管怎么尝试切除都无法作到像中间圆柱那样,可以和两边无缝连接,他始终给我报零厚度几何体,我是先把正视图画出来,把它拉伸凸台,在进行切除。是不是我要从俯视图开始画起啊,还是有什么其他办法吗,新手第一次画图,谢谢大佬 🤨🤔😐 07:51 39 人在厂里现在...
メッシュ ボディ オプション(ソリッド ボディまたはサーフェス ボディとしてインポート(Import as Solid Body or Surface Body)を選択した場合、メッシュ ファイルと 3MF に適用) 単一面で囲まれたメッシュ ボディを作成 最適化されたシェイプをメッシ...
If you select an import option as: Solid BodyorSurface Bodywithout selectingMesh body options, SOLIDWORKS imports the mesh file as a standard SOLIDWORKS BREP body with limitations: The import replaces each facet by a face (performance slows with increased numbers of faces.) ...
In STL/VRML menu, change "Import as" to "Solid Body". As Robert H. says, Solidworks will bring the model in made up of flat faces - I've found that it struggles with large .stl files just due to the face count. Upvote 14Upvoted 15 Downvote 0Downvoted 1 Kasidaje P. 11 Jun, ...
Force is a type of concentrated load; however, it will be modeled as a uniformly distributed load on the nodes of selected faces, edges, vertices. Gravity Gravity is a type of body load. It applies a linear acceleration to a solid object. It is a common load type in structural analysis...
现在有一个STL的三维模型,模型形状极不规则,请问有什么方法可以将其转化为solidworks可以编辑的3D模型回答人:冰凌城夏07-18 10:11 转换格式另存下可以不?如step格式,帮你问了,都在忙 回答人:majingfeng07-18 10:09 不太清楚,可以帮你问下哈! 回答人:立方体*07-18 10:07 你可以下载一个Magics软件就可...
If we project a curve onto a solid body as a Split Line, we can pattern another solid body such as a window along that curve, even maintaining the normal direction to correctly orient every instance on the curve. To do that, chooseInsert → Pattern/Mirror → Curve-Driven Patternand tick...
Centrifugal Centrifugal is a type of body load. It applies an initial force caused by angular velocity and acceleration of solid object. The software calculates the loads based on the specified angular velocity, acceleration and the mass density of materials. Remote loads and restraints As far as...
换一种格式试试stl. stp,igs 或者把SW阵列等特征简化一下