在零件和装配体文档中旋转模型视图。 要旋转模型视图: 执行以下操作之一: 装置步骤 鼠标(左键) 单击旋转视图 (视图工具栏),或单击视图 > 修改 > 旋转,然后拖动指针 。 鼠标(中键) 以鼠标中间按钮拖动。 键盘 按方向键。按住 Shift 以90° 增量旋转。
单击旋转视图 (视图工具栏)。 选择一个视图。(您可在激活工具之前或之后选取视图。) 以下列方法之一旋转视图: 在图形区域中拖动视图。视图以 45 度增量捕捉,但是您可以拖动视图到任意角度。 使用左右方向键。 将使用为箭头键(在 工具 > 选项 > 系统选项 > 视图...
旋转视图(rotate view),SolidWorks 帮助手册,在零件和装配体文档中旋转模型视图。 欲旋转模型视图: 装置 步骤 鼠标(左键) 单击旋转视图 (视图工具栏),或单击视图、修改、旋转,然后拖动指针 。 鼠标(中,O网页链接 动图 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按...
SolidWorks software lets you rotate and move components so that you can create the 3D models your designs require. This tutorial will show you how to make the most basic rotation and move in SolidWorks.
Clicking directly on any of the axis will flip the view normal to the axis. Using a combination of shift, alt, or control, and selecting the axis will rotate the view about the axis either 90 or 15 degrees respectively while the control key will reverse the direction. Custom Views: When...
Q Rotate view . Rotates a drawing view. Q 3D Drawing View . Dynamically manipulates the drawing view to make a selection. SolidWorks User Interface (UI) 9 Hands-on Test Drive Task Pane The Task Pane is displayed when a SolidWorks session starts. The Task Pane contains the following default...
The graphics card is one of the most commonly overlooked component when configuring a SOLIDWORKS workstation. Your graphics card affects how smoothly the images on screen rotate, zoom, pan, and refresh. Graphics cards can also enable visualization features to display images more realistically. ...
The collapse action returns an exploded assemblys parts to their normal positions. 与爆炸相反。解除爆炸操作将爆炸的装配体零件返回到其正常位置。 Collision Detection 碰撞检查 An assembly function that detects collisions between components when components move or rotate. A collision occurs when an entity ...
Fixed Hinge Fixed hinge defines a round face where nodes on this face are free to rotate about its rotational axis. During the deformation, the radius and the length of the round are set. Symmetry When both of geometries and loads are symmetric about a reference, numerical simulation can be...
Lesson 2: Basic Functionality Rotate the View Rotate the view in the graphics area to display the model from different angles. 1 Rotate the part in the graphics area. Press and hold the middle mouse button. Drag the pointer up/down or left/right. The view rotates dynamically. 2 Click ...