試試LiteTools吧:http://help.litegears.com/what_is_litetools.html 上文中編輯SolidWorks工程圖的自定義屬性連結的方法可以參考這裡:http://help.litegears.com/how-to-fill-the-quantity-of-the-parts-into-sw-drawings-by-litetools.html 為什麼不使用二維碼? 二維碼可以看作是條碼的升級版,可以容納更多,複...
试试LiteTools吧:https://help.litegears.com/what_is_litetools.html 上文中编辑SolidWorks工程图的自定义属性链接的方法可以参考这里:https://help.litegears.com/how-to-fill-the-quantity-of-the-parts-into-sw-drawings-by-litetools.html 为什么不使用二维码? 二维码可以看作是条码的升级版,可以容纳更多,复...
swOffsetPlanarWireBodyOptions_e How to fill the gap between edges. swOleObjectOptions_e OLE object options. swOnSurfacePlaneProjectType_e Types of planes on surfaces. swOpenDocOptions_e How to open documents using ISldWorks::OpenDoc6. Bitmask. swOrdDi...
This is the final meshing of the curved tube within tube (please see the figure for your reference). Is it possible to fill the gap near boundary wall (please refer to the figure - a sketch note can be seen)? I used automatic meshing for this figure (default mesh scale of 3), I ...
and then in the drawings corresponding to the parts, you can automatically fill the title column.SolidWorks制作自动填写标题栏、明细表(国外英文资料)SolidWorks制作自动填写标题栏、明细表(国外英文资料)中国solidworks 转载有 solidworks 工程图中的自动明细表很多使用toolbox 的朋友都希望图中所有用到的标准件 (...
SolidWorks制作自动填写标题栏、明细表(SolidWorksproduction, automaticallyfillinthetitlebar,detailedlist) 中国solidworks转载有.chinasolidworks solidworks工程图中的自动明细表 很多使用toolbox的朋友都希望图中所有用到的标准件(如螺钉螺 母)的规格大小以及国标号 能够自动出现在装配图的明细表中,特别是能自动产生数量规...
WarpDeformation of the ejected part The main analysis module is the Fill module, which simulates the basic injection molding process of filling a cavity. However, many analyses start with the Cool module because it provides the temperature distribution of the mold, which is in turn used as a ...
4. Fill in the required value and click OK. 5. Scale feature is added to the model. You can scale selected bodies in case of a multi body part. You can also scale with different values of X, Y and Z directions by deselecting uniform scaling and adding required values for X, Y and...
How to resize (larger) the ref. dialog box to see the whole path of the dll library or other trick to get the full path of the file SolidworksApi/macros SOLIDWORKS User Forum 5年前 Saving a Drawing as the Name of the configuration name of the part in it. ...
Fill settings b. Pack settings c. Warp settings 6. Select boundary conditions or use default settings 7. Select Injection location by selecting a point on the part and then hit add location 8. Select Run to start flow analysis 9. Review results a. Flow b. X-Y Plot Fig. 6.8 shows the...