按一下插入>曲面>刪除鑽孔。 在FeatureManager(特徵管理員) 中的刪除鑽孔上按右鍵,然後選擇編輯特徵。 如果您要從多個本體中刪除鑽孔,按一下釘選來保持 PropertyManager 開啟。 在圖面中,選擇該表面上的封閉輪廓副本。 PropertyManager 會在選擇方塊中列出所有邊線。
You can create holes on a plane with the Hole Wizard, as well as holes on planar and nonplanar faces. On models with multiple features, you can add hole wizard holes to any of the features in the model. Holes on a plane allows you to create holes at an angle to the feature.Face...
oranedgeonasurfaceorsolid. filletcorner圆角边角Acornerwhereexactlythreefilletededgesmeetat恰巧三条圆角边线在一个极点会集的角落 onevertex. Fittolerance套合公差Thetolerancebetweenaholeandashaft.孔和轴之间的公差。 formingtool成形工具Diesthatbend,stretch,orotherwiseformsheet折弯、伸展或成形钣金的冲模,能够生成一...
9、 design tree to the line or surface you want to modify. you can generate fillet, chamfer, and hole replication on many edges and surfaces16 on the right-click drop-down menu, select the option to select another, and you can do the cycle selection operation across the entity at the ...
HLV隐藏线可见(hidden lines visible) A view mode in which all edges of the model that are not visible from the current view angle are shown gray or dashed.一视图显示模式,模型的所有边线如在当前视图角度不可见将成为灰色或虚线。hole table孔表A table that lists the size and location (from 66...
In this mode, you create dimensions and annotations just as you would in Resolved mode. However, there is an exception: you cannot create dimensions or annotations that require model information, such as hole callouts, cosmetic threads, or links to model properties. ...
SolidCAM Hole Wizard Drag & Drop Operations HSS High-Speed Surfacing SolidCAM HSS is a high speed surface machining module for smooth and powerful machining of localized surface areas in the part, including undercuts. SolidCAM HSS provides easy selection of the surfaces to be machined with no ...
TwoChamfers are added to match the sloped faces in the STL file. Trial and error gets them close. Step 19: Strap Holes Next is cutting a hole for the headband. This was tricky because it is at a bit of an odd angle compared the model face/plane the sketch is placed on. ...
SolidCAM Hole Wizard Drag & Drop Operations HSS High-Speed Surfacing SolidCAM HSS is a high speed surface machining module for smooth and powerful machining of localized surface areas in the part, including undercuts. SolidCAM HSS provides easy selection of the surfaces to be machined with no ...
annotation 注解 A text note or a symbol that adds specifi 5、c design intent to a part, assembly, or drawing. Specific types of annotations include note, hole callout, surface finish symbol, datum feature symbol, datum target, geometric tolerance symbol, weld symbol, balloon, and stacked ...