FIle to load D:\Program Files\solidworks Corp\SolidWorks\lang\chinese-simplified\slderrresu.dll can not be applicated! 再点就出现D:\Program Files\SolidWorks Corp\SolidWorks\lang\chinese-simplified\sldresu.dllcan not be applicated! 解决办法:
SolidWorks 2013的dll文件可能损坏,因而启动的时候打不开这个文件,建议你重新替换一下这个文件,重新加载一下就可以了。还有要是不嫌麻烦就重装一下SolidWorks 2013。
In this scenario, you must include the configuration file (SWManage.swmc) with the add-in from step 1 or else the user will not connect to Manage.If there is a failed to register error, the troubleshooting is similar to other PDM add-ins that fail to load. There are a couple ...
Your SOLIDWORKS installation is likely to be unstable and subsequent uninstallation will likely fail. We recommend the following method to repair your SOLIDWORKS installation:Follow step 1 from Scenario 1.Run a Repair of your SOLIDWORKS Installation from Programs and Features in the Windows Control ...
YourSOLIDWORKSinstallation is likely to be unstable and subsequent uninstallation will likely fail. We...
avoid using Remote Desktop Applications. The activation may be linked to the computer that was used to access the server, and not the server itself. If the server is then reactivated locally it will fail as the computer ID is different. It’s recommended to always activate on the physical ...
Users who have installed or updated SOLIDWORKSafterKB3072630 was applied – where SOLIDWORKS was installed using the ‘standalone’ installation method. Your SOLIDWORKS installation is likely to be unstable and subsequent uninstallation will likely fail. We recommend the following method to repair your ...
swFileSaveTo3DExperienceError_e Errors when saving files in SOLIDWORKS Connected. swFileSaveTypes_e File save types. swFileSaveWarning_e Values for File, Save warnings that can be returned from the IModelDoc2 Save methods. These warnings do not cause...
To determine whether a laminate will fail due to applied loading, the program first calculates stresses across the different plies. It next applies a failure criterion based on these stress levels using a failure theory. A laminate is considered to fail when a first ply or a first group of ...
Typical questions that will be answered using this study type are: Legs of my vessel are strong enough not to fail in yielding; but are they strong enough not to collapse due to loss of stability? Can my design be modified to ensure stability of the thin components in my assembly?