您可以變更零件和草圖中之尺寸的外觀。色彩和括弧 您可以在 工具 > 選項 > 系統選項 > 色彩 中指定不同尺寸類型的色彩,若要指定加入預設括弧,請至 工具 > 選項 > 文件屬性 > 尺寸 。 箭頭 尺寸已選取時,其箭頭上會出現圓形控制點。按一下箭頭控制點時 (有兩個控制點的尺寸則...
Left-drag while sketching the rectangle. Do not release the mouse button. Releasing the mouse button exits the input mode.Type a value for the height dimension and press Enter. Type a value for the width dimension and press Enter.Release the mouse button....
22、to a dimension bydragging geometric tolerances to dimensions75, you can skip to different partitioning windows without using the mouse use the tab or f6 key to activate the next window, and the shift-tab or shift-f6 key activates the previous window.76, you can generate a sketch drawing...
While sketching, you can select from a number of available sketch tools from the Sketch toolbar such as a Line sketch tool, Corner Rectangle Sketch tool, Circle sketch tool, Arc Sketch tool etc. Create a sketch by clicking where you want the sketch to start. Move the cursor to where you...
begin with, after launching SolidWorks, we select a part document and choose to sketch on the top plane (front view). From the toolbar, we pick the Polygon tool option and draw a hexagon centered around the red origin point within the referenced plane. Subsequently, using smart dimensions, ...
Another nice feature is theFill Pattern, accessible underInsert → Pattern/Mirror → Fill Pattern. The first step is to define an area to be filled with patterned elements. Next, choose a patterning layout and spacing dimensions. This is an automated way to create graphically interesting perforati...
You can also choose your dimension standards fromANSI,ISO,DIN,JIS,BSI,GOSTandGB. If you’d rather stick to the default settings but change the units or dimensions for individual drawings, it couldn’t be simpler. To change the unit system, just head toTools>Options>Document Properties>Units....
SolidWorks 2005 What's New 2-25 Chapter 2 Sketching 6 Click in Mirror about , and then select the horizontal edge, as shown. 7 Click OK and close the sketch. 2-26 Minimum/Maximum Dimensions with Arcs When you add dimensions between an arc and any other sketch entity using the Smart ...
42 use the tools / sketch tools / dimensions on the menu to modify with the drag. You can modify the dimension when dragging the sketch entity. You can set options for tools / options / system options / sketches, Make it a default. 43, you can hold down the Shift key and select mul...