How to turn it off? ClickView>Skecth Relations Looks great! Modify dimension with mix units Did you know you can modify dimension with mix units.. Have it a try.. ← Previous Entries If you're new to SolidWorks, I would recommend you get my SolidWorks Tutorial Beginner ebook. ...
You can set the initial units system and dimension standard for default templates (new part, assembly, and drawing templates). The dialog box appears the first time you open a template. Select from the following lists: Units: IPS (inch, pound, second) MMGS (millimeter, gram, secon...
Gain more insight about which dimensions on a drawing are overridden, by showing overridden dimensions in a different color of your choice. Keeping Chain Dimensions Speed up detailing drawings by utilizing collinear dimensioning for chain dimensions, and avoid overcrowding of dimensions by following ISO...
指定下列屬性,以插入參考尺寸至工程視圖作為基準尺寸、連續尺寸及座標尺寸。開啟自動標註標籤:在工程圖文件中,按一下「尺寸/限制條件」工具列上的智慧型尺寸。 選擇自動標註尺寸標籤。標註尺寸的圖元 視圖中的所有圖元 標註工程視圖中所有圖元的尺寸。 所選圖元 只標註所選圖元的尺寸。按一下工程視圖中的圖元以標註所...
SOLIDWORKS Drawings allow you to set document standards that determine if dimensions are read as fractions or decimals. Have you ever had a drawing in decimals, but really needed one dimension to be shown as a fraction? Read More...
Instead, dimensions are used to change the size and shape of the model. Dimension sketch entities and other objects with the Smart Dimension tool from the Sketch toolbar. The type of dimension is determined by the items which you select. Example: Q If you select a line, the system creates...
‘Drawing,’ click on the respective icons. Clicking one of these options will open the ‘Units and Dimension Standards’ window that, as the name suggests, prompts you to choose the default units and dimension standards. (You can also change these parameters later, as detailed below.) ...
这是2018版 自带帮助文件的API例子中文导航,如果有错误的,请指出来 时间原因,我没有一一测试,只是大概过滤了一下。 共计750个例 子: 中文标题Web Link将绘图表缩放到窗口中的最大尺寸Zoom_Drawing_Sheet_to_Maximum_Size_in_Win
Setting up things like drawing templates and user defaults is very time consuming and requires a lot of calls to the help desk. The Siemens Help desk is outstanding with you getting a human being almost instantly. It has to be, since the documentation is very weak. NX is a challenging ...
Drawings R E P R O D U C I B L E L e s s o n 2 : B a s i c F u n c t i o n a l i t y S o l i d W o r k s T e a c h e r G u i d e a n d S t u d e n t C o u r s e w a r e 5 3 PartPart Assembly DrawingDrawing L e s s...