Line Shows axes as lines. Cylinder Show axes as cylinders. Line Width Controls the width of lines to plot axes. Axis Disable Title When selected, the titles of the axes (X, Y, Z) are not shown on the plot. Size X, Y, Z The sliders control the length of the X, Y, and Z axe...
i have assembly move up by hydraulic cylinder , which connections and contact set preferred . Awaiting for kind response Please Thank you SolidworksSimulation SOLIDWORKS User Forum 4年前 exported hypermesh model Is it possible to run the simulation on a model alreadymeshed in hypermesh and im...
a von Karman vortex street behind a cylinder. In our case, the flow in the straight pipe is symmetric so we can reduce the computational domain. 1 In the SolidWorks Flow Simulation design tree right-click the Computational Domain icon and select Edit Definition. The Computational Domain dialog ...
SolidWorks装配体文件名cylinder. This new assembly can then be used as a称的扩展名为.SLDASM另请参阅子装配体、配合。subassembly in an assembly of an engine. The exte nsion for a SolidWorks assembly file name is .SLDASM. See subassembly, mate.attachme nt point附加点The end of a leader ...
very useful if you want to design symmetrical products (if you divided through its center axis equally using a plane, its shows same half sections.). Applications are creating solid & hollow cylinder, stepped shaft, internal combustion engine pistons, hollow pipes, different types of couplings ...
This example shows one turn. Specify Direction Vector Select a plane, planar face, line, edge, cylinder, axis, a pair of vertices on a feature, and so on to set the direction vector. Not available with Keep Normal Constant. Tangent to Adjacent Faces Available when attaching ...
“sub-D primitive”—and just start working on that like a lump of clay. A sub-D primitive is kind of like a “start” part. It comes in several default 3D shapes including box, cylinder, and sphere as well as 2D shapes like a square and a circle. The shape you select can be ...
下面是插入新草图的示例 InsertSketch2 插入一个新草图,CreateLine2 画 一条线。 This example shows how to open a sketch, sketch a line, and close the sketch. Preconditions: (1) Model document is open. (2) Planar face or a sketch is selected. Postconditions: A sketch is opened, a line ...
‘得到表面对象 If swDsurface.IsCylinder Then ‘如果是圆柱面 If tp = 0 Then means cylinder Set swDEnt = swDCface swDEnt.Select4 True, selDdata selectface = True Exit Function End If Else ‘如果是其它,当然实际中我们可能需要使用select 来定义好多分支 18 If tp = 1 Then means plane Set sw...
SolidWorks插件介绍 Many novice confuse between SW and its plug-ins, here briefly introduce, SW is in the 3 d design software, because of its simple, easy to learn, a wide range of use! SW company and other companies in order to extend the functionality of a powerful SW for SW "tailored...