I hope you have learned the basics of using theEXTRUDE command in Solidworks. Go ahead, use your imagination and create wonders using this command while we are at it,practice makes perfect. You might also like: Solidworks Equation Solidworks Tutorial: Sheet Metal How to Create a Sphere in Sol...
1.plot3函数 绘制三维曲线图 2.surf函数 绘制三维曲面图 meshgrid的作用就是生成网格(矩阵)数据 3.mesh函数 绘制三维曲面图 4.contour3函数 绘制三维等高线图 5.scatter3函数 绘制三维散点图 6.特殊三维图形调用函数 cylinder:三维柱面图 sphere:三维球体pie3: 三维饼状图 ribbon:三维彩带图 《SolidWorks 2016中文...
Plane Creates a planar section. Cylinder Creates a cylindrical section. Sphere Creates a spherical section. Reference entity Displays the selected reference entity used to create the section plot. Reverse clipping direction Changes the direction of the cut to the opposite side. Distance Sets the offse...
' 1. Create a part that contains DimXpert features and ' annotations (see NOTES below).' 2. Add the SolidWorks.Interop.swdocumentmgr.dll reference ' to the project:' a. Right-click the project in Project Explorer.' b. Click Add Reference. ...
A00我是装修滴李蕊: 1、打开Maya这款软件,进入Maya的操作界面2、在该界面内找到create菜单,点击create菜单在其子级菜单里找到polygonsprimitives选项3、点击polygonsprimitives选项,在其下拉菜单里找到sphere选项4、点击sphere选项,在透视图里创建一个球体并在菜单里找到xgen选项5、点击xgen选项,在其内选择createxgendescri...
GUI : Main Menu>Preprocessor>Create>Keypoints>KP at Center·由一种模式的关键点生成另外的关键点:命令:KGENGUI : Main Menu>Preprocessor>Copy>Keypoints·用KSCALE命令从一给定模式的关键点生成另外的有一定比例模式的关键点,在GUI中没有与KSCALE相应的途径。
Q51. You have designed a plastic part that you want to split and save in two separate unique parts. You use the Split tool to split the part in half and create the two bodies. What do you do next?Navigate to the Solid Bodies folder, right-click the body name, and select Isolate ...
“start” part. It comes in several default 3D shapes including box, cylinder, and sphere as well as 2D shapes like a square and a circle. The shape you select can be scaled on placement to create the size you need. Then just push and pull and add other features to create the shape...
values in each column. Note that the flux values are always in radiant watts regardless of your lamp flux energy units setting. SPD data will be 0’s when running in tristimulus mode. This data file is useful when performing your own data processing on the far field photometric sphere data...
13、ketch();插入一个草图/定义对话框中涉及的七个参数变量double SphereRadius;/定义球头半径double SphereToBottoLength;/定义球头中心到柱塞底面的距离double PistonOutRadius;/定义柱塞体外径pModel-ICreateCenterLine(-0.01,0,0,-0.08,0,0);/创建柱塞体中心轴线pModel-ICreateCenterLine(0,0.012,0,0,-0.012...