将第一个长方体特征(Mirror1),进行直接编辑\体拷贝(Direct Edit\Move/Copy Bodies)。 镜像以上拷贝(Body-Move/Copy1) ,报错Rebuild Errors,One or more features used in this mirror feature are no longer in the model. 尝试将长方体(Mirror1特征产生的Solid\Bodies Mirror1实体),Convert to Mesh Body。
您使用手動方法產生實體網格時,實體網格化 - 手動 PropertyManager 中的選項會維持先前定義的區域定義。 在實體網格化 - 手動 PropertyManager 中,選擇使用先前的設計。 程式會維持冷卻水路、澆道和虛擬模具的先前定義,並繼續執行產生曲面網格的步驟。 由於您僅能修改模塑的網格,並且無須重新定義模型中的區域指派,所以...
草稿品质网格。自动网格器会生成线性四面实体单元。 高品质网格。自动网格器会生成抛物线四面实体单元。线性单元也称作一阶或低阶单元。抛物线单元也称作二阶或高阶单元。线性四面单元由四个通过六条直边线连接的边角节来定义。抛物线四面单元由四个边角节、六个中侧节和六条边线来定义。下列各图所示为线性和抛物线...
Geomagic for SOLIDWORKS 3D mesh to solid model of a gas valve Import an STL into SOLIDWORKS using Geomagic reverse engineering software, quickly repair the polygon data, and rapidly build a perfect solid model with 3D deviation analysis on-the-fly...
Combining Bodies 6-10Splitting a Solid Body 6-11 Moving and Copying Objects 6-13 Deleting Bodies 6-14 Converting to Mesh Bodies 6-14 Applying 3D Texture 6-16 Importing Model in Part Environment 6-17 Fastening Features 6-18 Creating Mounting Boss 6-18 ...
When the object to be analyzed is an assembled solid, the meshing tool might need manual interventions to (1) ensure no interference occurs at the interfaces of two objects, and (2) set up mesh control to achieve a compatible mesh if it is feasible. It is desirable to run interface check...
as possible to sketches in case they require trimming. Rather, add details as a separate surfacing or solid feature. When details are required to be embedded in the sketch, create a sketch without details first, then create a new sketch and copy the previous one into it usingConvert Entities...
When the object to be analyzed is an assembled solid, the meshing tool might need manual interventions to (1) ensure no interference occurs at the interfaces of two objects, and (2) set up mesh control to achieve a compatible mesh if it is feasible. It is desirable to run interface check...
Finally, to make these visual textures into something 3D printers can read, we have to"Convert them into a Mesh Body."Right click on a solid body in the feature tree to see the command: There seem to be choices on how fine the conversion is, and just like any STL export, the finer...
Thickengives the surface thickness and converts it to a solid body. I also enabled theMergeoption so the orange and yellow protrusions are merged making a single solid body. I half expected this not to merge due to the complexity of the intersection between the bodies. If it did not work...