创建形位公差符号 工程图视图中的折弯线 在SOLIDWORKS 知识库中搜索“在半径和直径尺寸之间切换”。0.20.62使用条款 | 隐私政策 | 个性化 Cookie 选项 | 获取产品演示 | 联系销售部门 | 索取报价 © 1995-2025 Dassault Systèmes。保留所有权利。
Step 1: To change a radius to a diameter, RMB click on the radius dimension. Choose Display Options>Display as a Diameter. Step 2: To change a diameter dimension into a linear diameter dimension, RMB click on the diameter dimension. Choose Display Options>Display as linear. Unfortunately, th...
IDimXpertDiameterDimTol IDimXpertDimensionOption IDimXpertDimensionTolerance IDimXpertDistanceBetweenDimTol IDimXpertExtrudeFeature IDimXpertFeature IDimXpertFilletFeature IDimXpertFlatnessTolerance IDimXpertGtol IDimXpertIntersectCircleFeature IDimXpertIntersectLineFeature ...
打开SolidWorks软件后,先选择零件建模,然后选择上视基准面,点击草图绘制,选择圆形,在草图中心绘制一个圆,然后设置尺寸大小为56mm,接着点击拉伸凸台,将刚才绘制的圆形进行拉伸,拉伸高度为40mm。 Today we will use SolidWorks to complete the modeling of a light bulb. Light bulbs are widely used in ou...
28、 meet are said to have con ti nu ity of G0, or con tact con ti nu ity. Curves or surfaces that are tangent have a continuity of G1, or tangent continuity. Curves or surfaces for which the rate of change of the radius of curvature is the same where they meet have a continu ...
可以将没用的删除 Dim swApp As Object Dim Part As Object Dim boolstatus As Boolean Dim longstatus As Long, longwarnings As Long Dim FeatureData As Object Dim Feature As Object . . 精品 精品 . 精品 Dim Component As Object Delete all lines of code that change the view. 删除切换试图的代码...
2、Delete all lines of code that change the view. 删除切换视图的代码 arden says:像这样的 Part.ActiveView().RotateAboutCenter 0.0662574, 0.0346621 无情的删掉吧 3、Delete all ModelDocExtension::SelectByID2 calls appearing immediately before ModelDoc2::ClearSelection2 calls. However, do not delete...
这些对象的声明是自动产生的,可以将没用的删除 Dim swApp As Object Dim Part As Object Dim boolstatus As Boolean Dim longstatus As Long, longwarnings As Long Dim FeatureData As Object Dim Feature As Object Dim Component As Object Delete all lines of code that change the view. 删除切换试图的...
‘访问属性 depth 和 diameter dia = featdata.Diameter Debug.print dia * dep ‘Debug.print error arden 在 solidworks 中可以使用swAPP.sendmsgtouser2 替代 msgbox featdata.ReleaseSelectionAccess ‘取消特征数据访问 Model.Save Model.EditRebuild ‘重建模型 End Sub 上面程序运行前,假设你选择了一个简单直...
.wd.wd.wd.目录 HYPERLINK :fckeditoreditorfckeditorarea.html l Toc117932615 第1章概述2 HYPERLINK :fckeditoreditorfckeditorarea.