创建图纸时,每张图纸都与某个功能关联。默认情况下,功能与文件集关联。您可以更改图纸的功能。 执行以下操作之一: 右键单击图纸,然后单击更改功能。 在图纸属性中,单击功能。 将打开功能选择对话框。 选择新功能。 最初与图纸原有功能关联的设备将关联到新功能。
Displays the Sheet Format dialog when you add a new drawing sheet. See Sheet Format. Reduce spacing when dimensions are deleted or edited (add or change tolerance, text, etc.). Automatically re the space among the remaining dimensions if you delete a dimension or remove text from a dimensio...
Once a design change is proposed, each engineering discipline has to re-evaluate the performance of the new design. However, if the engineering model has to be regenerated from scratch, then the effort previously spent in model creation is wasted. Therefore, a mechanism for retaining the mapping...
The menu titles remain the same for all three types of documents: part, assembly, and drawing but the menu items change depending on which type of document is active. The display of the menu is also dependent on the work flow customization that you have select. The default menu items for...
922644 Task Scheduler, Back Office Print, Plot: Using 2016 Task Scheduler to print 2016 multi page drawing is only printing one page. SOLIDWORKS Task Scheduler2015 Hotfixes 2015 Release SP5 SPR#DESCRIPTIONPRODUCT 999124 User Interface - View Orienation Display - Parts: Screen flickers, after insta...
New filenames can be assigned a few different ways: Add a Prefix or Suffix from the checkboxes in the bottom left Double-click on a cell under ‘New Filename’ column to change individual filenames If there is a consistent naming convention, such as a project number, the Select/Replace ...
holetable孔表Atablethatliststhesizeandlocation(fromaspecifiedorigindatum)of列举工程图视图中所指定孔的大小和位置(从 specifiedholesinadrawingview.所指定的原点基准点)的表格。hollow掏空Seeshell.请参阅抽壳。import输入OpenfilesfromotherCADsoftwareapplicationsintoaSolidWorksdocument.将其它?CAD?软件应用程序的文件在?
Individual drawing views can have a custom scale. Selecting a view gives the scale options in the PropertyManager. SOLIDWORKS 2019 has the ‘Use custom scale’ option however it required scrolling up in the list of commonly used values to ‘User Defined’ to enter a custom size. ...
referencedimension参照尺寸Adimensioninadrawingthatshowsthe工程图中的尺寸,显示项目丈量,但不可以驱动 measurementofanitem,butcannotdrivethemodel模型,且其数值不可以被改正。当模型尺寸改正 anditsvaluecannotbemodified.Whenmodel时,参照尺寸更新。 dimensionschange,referencedimensionsupdate. referencegeometry参照几何体...
This file contains the wrapper class and layout methods for the add-in's PropertyManager page. To modify the controls on the PropertyManager page, change the code in the AddControls() method. 本文件包括了一个包装类和布局方法,用于PropertyManager页,这能够修改PropertyManager页,在AddControls方法中写控...