' 1. Open an assembly. ' 2. Hide one or more components (right-click the component ' and click theHide Componentsbutton) ' 3. Open the Immediate window. ' ' Postconditions: ' 1. Shows all hidden components. ' 2. Examine the graphics area, FeatureManager design tree, ' and the Immedi...
but positioned to show how they fit together when assembled. This will allow presenting anassemblyin a brief and quick manner, showing all components and ordering them as you want to show and assemble step by step.
如何在SOLIDWORKS Assembly 中取消固定零部件和子装配体 文章来源:SOLIDWORKS代理商-卓盛信息 在SOLIDWORKS中处理复杂设计时,组装各种零部件和子装配体是一种常见做法。但是,在某些情况下,您需要修改或重新定位这些元素而不改变它们与其他部分的关系。在这种情况下,您需要取消修复SOLIDWORKS 装配体中的零部件和子装配体。...
Automatically check and update all components in Large Design Review modeScans all components after an assembly loads and checks whether any components are newer than the parent assembly. If so, the latest graphics data of these components is used to update the counterpart in the assembly graphics...
我们可以通过AssemblyDoc.GetComponents(ToplevelOnly),获取对应装配体下的所有部件。ToplevelOnly为true代表只获得与当前装配体直接部件,为false时,则获取当前装配体的的所有部件,包括子装配体的部件。 注意: 使用该方法获得的部件顺序是随机的,不会严格按照模型特征树的从上到下的顺序输出部件。
It is desirable to run interface check and eliminate all possible interferences at interfaces of solid components. For example, the SolidWorks software has an Interference detection tool to evaluate if there are interferences in an object group. If there are, the CAD models or assembly relations of...
These components can be parts or other assemblies. All of the parts of the SeaBotix LBV150 are combined into a single assembly. The parts are combined according to the way they are designed to function. They are placed in relation to each other and these relationships can be captured so ...
SOLIDWORKS Composer is used to create the technical documentation or animations referring to the various processes such as assembling components. There is always a need to create multiple animations from the same composer assembly such… Read More... Tagged: SOLIDWORKS Animation SOLIDWORKS Composer Anima...
Pack and Go option "Keep full folder structure" not show Hi all, I was use "pack and go" for assembly (or part), but dialog box not show option "Flatten to single folder", Flatten to minimal folders, Keep full folder structure as fig.1. How i can turn on this option ???
This section is all about SolidWorks’ hardware utilization. We’ll go over the four major computer components (CPU, GPU, RAM, and SSD) and how SolidWorks uses each one for different functions like rendering, drawing, modeling, and viewport performance. ...