publicvoidSelectAllinDocument(ModelDoc2 swModel, ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt, SelectionMgr swSelMgr) { intselCount; // Select all edges in a part, all components in an assembly, // or all entities in a drawing swModelDocExt.SelectAll(); ...
eDrawings API Help SolidWorks Routing API Help SolidWorks Simulation API Help SolidWorks Utilities API Help SolidWorks Workgroup PDM API Help Select Entity in Drawing View Example (VBA) This example shows how to select any of these entities in a drawing view: model face, edge, or vertex. '...
swModelView = (ModelView)swModel.ActiveView; bRet = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2("Sheet1","SHEET",0.0,0.0,0,false,0,null,0); swDraw = (DrawingDoc)swModel; swFeatMgr = swModel.FeatureManager; importData = (ImportDxfDwgData)swApp.GetImportFileData(sDwgFileName);// UnitimportData.set_Le...
startups to students to makers, community has always been at our core. But it’s more than just bringing people together. It’s making them better at what they love to do. Through dedicated training, online learning, and certifications, SOLIDWORKS thrives on putting users in a position to ...
C# SolidWorks 二次开发 API—各种遍历对象 在实际项目中,我们有时候无法通过一些名字或者信息来查找所要的对象,最快的方式就是通过遍历。然后再去通过细节来找到想要的数据。 遍历图块 ///这是根据名字来遍历图块的定义 public static SketchBlockDefinition GetBlockInstenseByBlockName(string blockName)...
Hello Charlie, when you save a Solidworks file in an AI format it'll join all your lines in one BIG compound path. Or at least, it's always done so for me anyway. Sooo..1) Open Adobe, hit Ctrl + A to select all2) Hit Object, Compound path, then Release. You shoul...
. solidworks二次开发全教程系列 solidworks二次开发01录制一个宏 第一步: 我们需要自己录制一个宏,然后看看程序产生了什么代码。当初学习excel时候就是这么干的。只是,solidworks要复杂一些,直接录制的宏不能
11、ion") Set part = swapp.NewPart() swapp.Visible = True "获取solidworks软件接口并新建一个零件文件 part.InsertSketch2 True boolstatus = par 12、t.Extension.SelectByID("前视", "PLANE", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing) part.InsertSketch2 True part.CreateCircle 0, 0, 0, 0, Val(R....
首先我们来看ModelDoc2的对象关系图,使用ModelDoc2 我们可以转换为AssemblyDoc PartDoc DrawingDoc等特定文档类型,也可以获取ModelDocExtension等,从而调用很多常见的api,可以说IModelDoc2接口几乎是开发中使用频率最高的接口。 二.通过IModelDoc2获取文档类型 ...