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视频教程 包含内容 百度网盘 获取方式 How do you present a technical design in a way that everyone can understand? Try PhotoView 360, which makes it possible to create photorealistic renderings and animations with SolidWorks Professional and Premium editions. In this course, Gabriel Corbett shows you...
1.5 SolidWorks 2012软件的启动与退出 1.6 SolidWorks 2012的工作界面 1.7 SolidWorks 2012中鼠标的应用 1.8 为SolidWorks工具菜单添加相应的命令 1.9 创建个性化的零件设计模板 第2单元 绘制草图(共12个视频) 2.1 草图的新建与退出 2.2 绘制直线 2.3 绘制矩形 ...