Solid waste can be classified in to different types, depending on their sources, such as household waste is generally classified as municipal waste; industrial waste as hazardous waste, and bio medical waste as infections waste. The term "solid waste" means any garbage, refuse, or sludge from ...
Solid waste managementIssuesPracticesEnvironmentRapid growth of population and urbanization has resulted in increasing the volume of solid waste generation in the study area in particular and in India with 68.8 million tons/day. The improper dispos...
Industrial Solid Waste Management Practices in Medium and Small Scale Industries located in TamilNaduEnvironmental pollution is the major problem associated with rapid industrialization, urbanization and rise in living standards of people. Efforts has to be made for controlling pollution arising out of ...
Public Private Partnership in Municipal Solid Waste Management in Tamilnadu: An Assessmentwhich about one third or two fourth of the total time it takes to execute the agreement. It is also important to highlight that the more civil works involved in the land fill site only. Delaying handing ...
Solid Waste Management-A Case Study For Hosur-Krishnagiri District,Tamil NaduSolidwastes are the wastes arising from human and animal activities, that are normally solid and that are discarded as useless or unwanted. One of the most important environmental problem faced by towns and cities are ...
The study has shown that the efficient use of smart technologies, the development of public鈥損rivate alliances, and the principles of the circular economy would significantly enhance the effectiveness of waste management practices in the smart cities of Tamil Nadu. Policy makers and urban planners ...
Waste is an unavoidable byproduct of most human activity. This study is based on the solid waste management and it compares the solid waste management system of two states Kerala and Tamilnadu. This study analyzes the centralized and decentralized treatment plants in these two states. This ...
Environmentally and economically viable manager for sustainable solid waste management in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.MohanM. Lekeshmanaswamy
ENERGY OPTIONS FOR MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT IN CLASS-I TOWN IN TAMIL NADU, INDIAThe tremendous increase in population accelerates the amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) generation. The difficulties in finding additional land for dumping of MSW have posed a challenge and have made people...
Study on Solid Waste Management System in Dindigul Corporation of Tamilnadu and Feasibility Analysis on Waste-to-Energy ProjectsDindigul is a city of Tamil Nadu, a south Indian state, covers an area of 14.01 km2 (5.41 mile2), and has a population of 207,327 in 2011. It is the twelfth ...