Balasubramanian M, Birundha VD (2012) An economic analysis of solid waste management in Madurai District, Tamil Nadu. Appl J Hyg 1:01–07. doi:10.5829/idosi.ajh.2012.1.1.55156 Batinic B, Vukmirovic S, Vujic G, Stanisavljevic N, Ubavin D, Vumirovic G ...
Perumal RenukaDepartment of EEE Thiagarajar College of Engineering Madurai IndiaPandian ChitraDepartment of CSE Thiagarajar College of Engineering Madurai IndiaSundararajan KarthikeyanDepartment of CSE Thiagarajar College of Engineering Madurai IndiaJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdComputational Intelligence...
waste management, units will have to enroll themselves as a member in the Indian Waste Management Association. The enrolment fee and annual subscription is based on the size of the organization and details of which may be obtained directly from the Waste Management Association. Their contact ...
Biofilms are notorious for causing food-borne diseases due to their formation on food and food factory equipments1 but on the other hand can be beneficial in waste water treatments2. Biofilms and in particular biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus that establish on medical implants still remain the ...