efficient solid waste disposal in HK: a food waste recycling program; an MSW charging scheme; the implementation of incineration plants (i.e., waste to energy); black soldier fly bioconversion and a waste trading scheme; and black soldier fly bioconversion and a hybrid anaerobic digestion system...
Solid-waste management, the collecting, treating, and disposing of solid material that is discarded because it has served its purpose or is no longer useful. Improper disposal of municipal solid waste can create unsanitary conditions, pollution, and outb
each unit of waste;and 3) charging by each unit of waste has a higher resident cost and a remarkable reduction effect,so this method could be adopted firstly in cities where there is large amount of waste,rich charging experience and high social cost of building new waste treatment facilities...
(b) At present,thesolid wastedelivered to theSENTLandfillfordisposal is mostly collected from Hong Kong Island, Kowloon [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk (二 ) 現時,運往新界東南堆填區處理的固體廢物大部分是由私 營廢物收集商於香港島、九龍及西貢區收集的。
The Government's proposalofintroducingamunicipal solid wastecharging scheme is meant to offer a direct financial incentive [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 政府建議推行都市固體廢物收費計劃,是希望透過直接的經濟誘因,鼓勵市民減少產生廢物,並且把有用的廢 物回收和循環再造。
A method and apparatus for top-charging a solid waste into a molten metal bath to form a dissociation product are disclosed. The method includes introducing the waste into the molten metal bath through a refractory tube disposed in a reactor, containing the molten metal bath, through which the...
The dynamics of waste generation, collection and disposal are investigated using an agent-based model, considering the four population growth scenarios addressed in the plan. Targets for strategies of waste reduction, collection, source-separation and charging of waste fees are modelled. Multiple ...
There has been increasing interest in the emerging ionic thermoelectric materials with huge ionic thermopower. However, it’s challenging to selectively tune the thermopower of all-solid-state polymer materials because the transportation of ions in all-solid-state polymers is much more complex than tho...
The information so obtained will help us to study the feasibility of introducing a charging scheme for municipalsolid wastewithvariable rates. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 所得資料將會用於我們研究都市固體廢物按量收費計劃的可行性。 legco.gov.hk ...
Contrary, you shouldn’t waste your money on “future-proofing.” There’s no such thing. Get the equipment thatworks for you today. Don’t fall for “petite”: While the look can play a role—I’ve gotten quite a few comments from men complaining about the “wife acceptance” issue ...