One key issue in SOC technology relates to the reliability of seals—to ensure electric insulation and gas tightness—in the demanding conditions found in stacks. There are various approaches to SOC stack design, but planar cells show many advantages such as manufacturing simplicity, high power dens...
In another instance, FBG sensors, using polymer packaging, have been strategically placed to measure bond stress between the propellant and insulation during the curing, demolding, and debonding processes. These sensors, distributed along the circumference of the motor at the propellant/insulation interfa...
Finally, when using high voltages/currents, thermal insulation should also be considered as the heat generated can affect the interfacing living tissues as well as the liquids pumped. If pumps for drug delivery or other biomedical applications are considered, the TiNi U-SMAs are highly biocompatible...