The solid state relays (SSRs) are on/off remotely controlled switches with complete galvanic isolation from input to output. No power supply is needed on the output. Using a relay allows for low-power control (e.g. from a microprocessor) over a high-power signal (e.g. switching of AC ...
SVT967960 Three Phase Solid State Relays . Relais Statique Triphasé Three Phase Solid State Relays. Sortie AC pour charge résistives. Commande 90-240 VAC avec LED. IP20. AC output for résistive loads. 90-240 VAC control voltage with LED. IP20.. Caract
SCC21520 DC Solid State Relay . Relais statique : COURANT CONTINU DC Solid State Relay. Sortie DC à transistor bipolaire. Charges continus sur réseaux à 200Vdc.. Caractéristiques dentrée / Input characteristics (20°C) Types / Models. Plage de tensi
The solid state relay (SSR) range includes HEXFET® power MOSFET and IGBT output photovoltaic isolators (PVI) plus photovoltaic relays (PVR). Therfore you have the flexibility to create your own relay. Solide State Relays fit perfectly for your battery
SO745090 Power Solid State Relay okpac Relais statique monophasé de puissance Power Solid State Relay. Relais statique asynchrone pour charges fortement inductives, moteurs AC-53 et applications en gradateur angle de phase Random Solid State Relay desig
Halbleiterrelais / Optokoppler / Infrared Data Transceiver Die Abteilungen Optokoppler und Solid State Relays wurde 2001 an Vishay veräußert. Infrared Data Transceiver IRMxxx war ebenso betroffen.Setzen Sie sich bitte mit Vishay unter in Verbindung, um weitere Informat...