协助打开金库或黑客劫案箱(3次) 滑块滑翔翼 在敌人对你造成伤害之前对不同的敌人造成伤害(10次) Snake Skin包裹 完成第2页任务(5次) Solid Snake服装风格 您必须完成每个任务以解锁第5章第1赛季通行证中Solid Snake的Sneaking套装中的每个物品。 Solid Snake Fortnite 皮肤风格3 EPIC GAMES一旦完成所有第2页任务...
With legendary infiltration skills,Solid Snakebrings tactical espionage action to Fortnite through a special set of Battle Pass quests focused on stealth gameplay. Unlock theBig Bang Battle Passand complete all of Snake's covert ops missions in the Quests tab byMarch 8thto unlock the Solid Snake ...
" ―Solid Snake[src]Solid Snake, real name David, also known as Old Snake, and briefly known as Iroquois Pliskin, or simply Snake, was a former spy, special operations soldier, and mercenary. Possessing an IQ of 180 and fluent in six languages,[3][4] the fame he achieved from his ...
Fortniteis set to add Solid Snake from theMetal Gearseries. He's the bonus skin this season, bringing a whole host of espionage-focused items along with him. As with most bonus skins, Solid Snake was not available at the beginning ofFortniteChapter 5 Season 1, instead unlocking part-way...
Part of the series of quests players must complete to unlock the Old Snake Skin variant in Fortnite, the ‘I’m just a man good at what he does’ quest tasks you with using a hiding spot in five different matches. But although a simple endeavor at first glance, finding ...
Fortnite Part of the series of quests players must complete to unlock the Old Snake Skin variant in Fortnite, the ‘I’m just a man good at what he does’ quest tasks you with using a hiding spot in five different matches. But although a simple endeavor at first glance, finding the ...
Solid Snake is the main protagonist in a number of the Metal Gear games. An expert in infiltration and espionage, Snake has completed countless missions and is repeatedly tasked with disarming the latest incarnation of Metal Gear. He is voiced by David Hayter in the English versions, Akio Ohtsu...
Sniper Wolf and Eva arguably fall into this trap as well, but at least the latter was using her wiles as a way to get closer to Snake as a part of her mission. There's nothing wrong with a character showing a little skin, but it can be unnecessary. RELATED: 15 Reasons Quiet Ruins...
Time to unbox The Society Group! Check out our Fortnite guide for the Solid Snake quests right here.