The present invention relates to a solid fuel rocket motor, comprising: a housing; propellant, which is placed in the housing, and includes a plurality of fuel pellets; nozzle group, which in combination with said housing, and comprising a plurality of independent nozzles, the number of ...
FIELD: solid-propellant rocket engines. SUBSTANCE: solid-propellant engine has combustion chamber with solid-propellant charge placed in it, nozzle andacoustic damper made in form of cylindrical two-stage chamber and mounted on front bottom of combustion chamber. Stage of chamber of lesser diameter ...
Keywords:solid-propellantrocketengine;initiatingexplosivedevice;ignitionpowder;ignitionkit;de- layignition 固体火箭推进技术在各类战术火箭、导弹和炮弹武器中 得到了广泛应用。目前正在服役的各类战术火箭和导弹中, 其动力装置绝大多数是采用固体火箭发动机。以“远程化、 精确化、威力化”为基础的非接触性战争成为未来...
Design of a Solid Rocket Motor for an Air to Air Missile:一个空空导弹固体火箭发动机设计 热度: 固体火箭发动机点火装置的技术现状和发展趋势 present situation and development trend of portfire technology for solid-propellant rocket engine 热度:
A solid-propellant rocket engine consists of a housing—the combustion chamber—in which the total propellant charge is placed, and a jet nozzle. The housing is usually made of steel, but fiberglass may also be used. The section of the jet nozzle that receives the greatest thermal loads is ...
FIELD: engines and pumps.;SUBSTANCE: invention is related to the field of rocket engineering, namely to rocket engines for submarine-launched missiles. Solid propellant rocket engine for submarine-launched missiles comprises chamber that contains cylindrical body, solid propellant charge, igniter, nozzle...
沪江词库精选solid-propellant rocket engine是什么意思、英语单词推荐 固体火箭发动机 相似短语 solid propellant rocket engine 固体火箭发动机 solid propellant rocket 固体燃料火箭 solid propellant booster rocket 固体火箭助推器 solid rocket propellant 固体火箭推进剂,固体推进剂 unguided solid propellant ...
固体火箭发动机(solid propellant rocket engine) 使用固体火箭推进剂的化学火箭发动机。是固体推进剂火箭发动机的简称。|基于2个网页 2. 固体推进剂火箭发动机 机械英汉词典-机械资讯... ... solid propellant rocket 固体推进剂火箭solid propellant rocket engine固体推进剂火箭发动机... ...
FIELD: engines and pumps.;SUBSTANCE: invention is related to rocket engineering and may be used in creation of aircrafts that comprise dual-mode engine. Dual-mode solid-propellant rocket engine comprises body, the first and second mode charges serially installed in it, front cover, initiation uni...
英文: A mass of solid propellant.中文: 块状燃料一块固体推进剂 英文: Investigation of Intelligent Damage-Mitigating Control Methods for Reusable Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engines中文: 可重复使用液体火箭发动机智能减损控制方法研究 英文: In this paper, the application of advanced composite in space shuttle...