(翻译)C#中的SOLID原则 – 开放/封闭原则 The SOLID Principles in C# – Open / Closed 原文链接:http://www.remondo.net/solid-principles-csharp-open-closed/ The second post in theSOLID by Example seriesdeals with the Open / Closed Principle (OCP). This is the notion that an object should b...
(翻译)C#中的SOLID原则 – 依赖反转原则 The SOLID Principles in C# – Dependency Inversion 原文地址:http://www.remondo.net/solid-principles-csharp-dependency-inversion/ The last post in the SOLID by Example series deals with the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP). It states that high-level cla...
SOLID design principles in C# are basic design principles. SOLID stands for Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), Open closed Principle (OSP), Liskov substitution Principle (LSP), Interface Segregation Principle (ISP), and Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP). Basics of SOLID design principles using...
This repository provides a comprehensive guide and practical examples of implementing the SOLID principles in C#. - SyncfusionExamples/solid-principle-in-Csharp
C# is an object-oriented programming language. These days whenever you talk about object-oriented programming you hear the acronym, SOLID. These are five design principles introduced by Michael Feathers to make our object-oriented applications easy to un
SOLID principles are five design principles that, when followed, can create robust and maintainable software entities. Robert C. Martin introduced these principles, becoming a cornerstone for object-oriented design. In C#, a popular object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft, understanding...
ASP.NET Core, C#, CQRS Event Sourcing, REST API, DDD, SOLID Principles and Clean Architecture cqrs mongodb csharp solid aspnetcore ddd rest-api clean-code domain-driven-design event event-sourcing entity-framework clean-architecture dotnet-core efcore entity-framework-core asp-net-core ddd-archi...
Preview course What you'll learn It's easy to write software that fulfills its users' immediate needs, but is difficult to extend and maintain. Such software becomes a burden for companies striving to remain competitive. In this course, SOLID Principles for C# Developers, you will learn five...
Die Abkürzung SOLID und die darin enthaltenen Prinzipien stammen nicht von mir. Besten Dank unter anderem an Robert C. Martin, Michael Feathers, Bertrand Meyer und James Coplie, dass ihr euer Wissen mit uns geteilt habt. Diese Prinzipien wurden in vielen anderen ...
我々と叡知を共有してくれた Robert C. Martin、Michael Feathers、Bertrand Meyer、James Coplien をはじめとする多数の方々に感謝いたします。この原則は多数の書籍やブログ記事で取り上げられ、詳しく説明されています。本稿が、これらの原則がより広範に当てはめられるきっかけに...