原文地址 https://medium.com/better-programming/solid-principles-simple-and-easy-explanation-f57d86c47a7f 译者点评 作者对于SOLID原则介绍的还是比较清楚的,但是里氏原则那里我认为说得还不是很明白,举的例子似乎也不是很明确。我理解的里氏替换原则是:子类可以扩展父类的功能,但不能修改父类方法。因此里氏替换...
https://medium.com/better-programming/solid-principles-simple-and-easy-explanation-f57d86c47a7f 译者点评 作者对于SOLID原则介绍的还是比较清楚的,但是里氏原则那里我认为说得还不是很明白,举的例子似乎也不是很明确。我理解的里氏替换原则是:子类可以扩展父类的功能,但不能修改父类方法。因此里氏替换原则可以说...
the former will typically follow. Likewise, the dependency inversion principle is often easy to adhere to, provided that developers follow both the open/closed and Liskov substitution principles closely.
Well, it is five OOP principles, the first letter of each spelling out SOLID: Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, and Dependency Inversion. These principles, when combined together, make it easy to develop maintainable and extensible software. Here at DNC ...
SOLID原则是一种编码的标准,为了避免不良设计,所有的软件开发人员都应该清楚这些原则。SOLID原则是由Robert C Martin推广并被广泛引用于面向对象编程中。正确使用这些规范将提升你的代码的可扩展性、逻辑性和可读性。 当开发人员按照不好的设计来开发软件时,代码将失去灵活性和健壮性。任何一点点小的修改都非常容易引起...
This article is much longer than I expected it would be, but I feel like I’ve just scratched the surface. An interesting thing about the SOLID principles is that they all sort of play into each other, so you tend to get the most out of them by looking at all five concepts at once...
Before delving into theSingle Responsibility Principle, let’s take a quick look at how it stands in the SOLID design principles: The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP):A class should have one reason to change. This principle is about how to partition your logic into classes and avoid ending...
Not-so-SOLID OO Principles https://ift.tt/3lTeUGo Tony Marston Not-so-SOLID OO Principles Posted on 8th June 2011 by Tony Marston Amended on 8th June 2020 The premise of the article SOLID OO Principles is that in order to be any "good" a...
The principles don’t cover the whole spectrum of design decisions for microservices-based solutions, but they touch the key concerns and success factors for creating modern service-based systems. Read on for an explanation of these principles applied to microservices -- the much-needed microservice...