SOLID principles in C# SOLID design principles in C# are basic design principles. SOLID stands for Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), Open closed Principle (OSP), Liskov substitution Principle (LSP), Interface Segregation Principle (ISP), and Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP). Basics of ...
(翻译)C#中的SOLID原则 – 依赖反转原则 The SOLID Principles in C# – Dependency Inversion 原文地址: The last post in the SOLID by Example series deals with the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP). It states that high-level cla...
(翻译)C#中的SOLID原则 – 单一责任原则 The SOLID Principles in C# — Single Responsibility 原文链接: For us developers S.O.L.I.D. is a five letter acronym with each letter pointing to a basic principle of good Object Orien...
SOLID Principles for C# Developers Every C# developer, or any developer using an object-oriented programming language, needs a good understanding of the SOLID principles. These principles guide your design toward more loosely coupled and maintainable software. ...
Before delving into theSingle Responsibility Principle, let’s take a quick look at how it stands in the SOLID design principles: The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP):A class should have one reason to change. This principle is about how to partition your logic into classes and avoid ending...
本文翻译自国外论坛 medium,原文地址: 本文将带领大家在日常编程中学习如何使用 SOLID 原则。 SOLID 原则在Java中的应用 如果你是一名优秀的编程人员,那么我要讨论的内容应该是一个众所周知的话题!废话不多说,让我们进入...
原文:SOLID Principles every Developer Should Know 原作者:Chidume Nnamdi 第一次看到SOLID 原则,是在学习设计模式时 想了解设计模式(Design pattern)点击链接设计模式 每个开发人员都应知道的 SOLID 原则。作者通过简单代码示例,介绍了SLOID原则。
is an acronym for the first five object-oriented design (OOD) principles by Robert C. Martin (also known asUncle Bob). Note:While these principles can apply to various programming languages, the sample code contained in this article will use PHP. ...
很多开发人员在进行面向对象编程过程中,往往会在一个类中将具有相同目的/功能的代码放在一起,力求以最快的方式解决当下的问题。但是,这种编程方式会导致程序代码混乱和难以维护。因此,Robert C. Martin制定了面向对象编程的五项原则。这五个原则使得开发人员可以轻松创建可读性好且易于维护的程序。
originate with me. Thank you, Robert C. Martin, Michael Feathers, Bertrand Meyer, James Coplien and others, for sharing your wisdom with the rest of us. Many other books and blog posts have explored and refined these principles. I hope to help amplify the application of these principles. ...