这个原则的原则好处很明显,依赖减少使组件更容易被替换,符合 SRP。 Interface segregation principle 总结: 在设计中避免不必要的依赖 软件系统不应该依赖其不直接使用的组件 五. Open–closed principle: A software artifact should be open for extension but closed for modification. 如果上文提到的几个原则都做到...
这些原则如下: Single-responsibility principle (SRP)(单一职责原则) Open–closed principle (OCP)(开放封闭原则) Liskov substitution principle (LSP)(里氏替换原则) Interface segregation principle (ISP)(接口隔离原则) Dependency inversion principle (DIP)(依赖倒置原则) 你将详细探索这些原则,并编写一些在Python中...
SOLID Principles are the principles of objective oriented programming essential to develop scalable softwares. S stands for Single Responsibility Principle ...
TheLaw of Demeter(LoD), sometimes referred to as the principle of least knowledge, advises against talking to “strangers”. Because LoD is usually considered with OOP, a “stranger” in that context means any object not directly associated with the current one. 德米特法则 (LoD),有时被称为最...
S.O.L.I.D是面向对象设计和编程(OOD&OOP)中几个重要编码原则(Programming Priciple)的首字母缩写。 Steve Smith在5月份的微软TechED 2009上有个SOLIDify Your ASP.NET MVC的讲座,derick.bailey的SOLID Development Principles – In Motivational Pictures很好的解释了SOLID原则。
SRP(Single responsibility principle):单一职责原则,一个module只有一个原因修改 OCP(Open/closed principle):开放-关闭原则,开放扩展,关闭修改 LSP(Liskov substitution principle):里氏替换原则,子类型必须能够替换它们的基类型 ISP(Interface segregation principle):接口隔离原则,你所依赖的必须是真正使用到的 ...
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/conceptual_articles/s-o-l-i-d-the-first-five-principles-of-object-oriented-design https://code-specialist.com/code-principles/solid https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/solid-principle-in-programmi...
S.O.L.I.D是面向对象设计和编程(OOD&OOP)中几个重要编码原则(Programming Priciple)的首字母缩写。 Steve Smith在5月份的微软TechED 2009上有个SOLIDify Your ASP.NET MVC的讲座,derick.bailey的SOLID Development Principles – In Motivational Pictures很好的解释了SOLID原则。
single-responsibility-principle solid-principles Lar*_*rod 2014 09-06 2推荐指数 1解决办法 313查看次数 SOLID Liskov替代原则 如果我有类似的东西 class square : figure {} class triangle : figure {} Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 这是否意味着我永远不应该使用方形和三角形类,而只是...
By apply this principle in our code, we can improve the ability of team working and reduce conflices. Open/Close Principle A class or method, should be open for extension and close to modification. That mean, we can always come back and add new functionality, but never change the ...