SOLID stands for: In this article, you will be introduced to each principle individually to understand how SOLID can help make you a better developer. Single-Responsibility Principle Single-responsibility Principle (SRP) states: A class should have one and only one reason...
It's hard to solve these advanced math problems. 9 Solid Reliable or of good quality. Their team has a solid reputation for being dependable. 8 Hard Requiring a lot of effort or endurance. They completed a hard workout at the gym today. 8 Solid Unbroken continuous mass. A solid line in...
A sphere is essentially a 3D circle. In a circle, any straight line drawn from the center to any point on the circumference will all be equidistant. This distance is the radius (r). In a sphere, this radius can extend in three dimensions, so all lines from the surface of the sphere ...
In the last decades, metasurfaces have attracted much attention because of their extraordinary light-scattering properties. However, their inherently static geometry is an obstacle to many applications where dynamic tunability in their optical behaviour is required. Currently, there is a quest to enable...
Indeed, the SOLID principles are generally overlapping in their effects upon sustainable computer code. The vast world of intermediate (meaning easily decompiled) code is fantastic in its ability to reveal the full extent to which you may extend any object. A number of .NET library projects fade...
Because solid bitumen is observed in source rocks across a wide range of thermal maturity, the use of the genetic terms pre-oil and post-oil has little useful meaning, and thus should be abandoned. The purpose of this paper is to propose an alternative scheme to classify the generation of ...
Here, the vector notations have the following meaning: W01,2(D) = W01,2(D) 3, L2(D) = L2(D) 3. For an arbitrary element W = (vm, v˜m, v˘m, wm, w˜ m, φm, φ˜m, φ˘m) from the space H, inspired by equations (6), we can define the operators: A = ...
In this study we consider nearly incompressible materials, meaning that J≈1. A possibility to model this behavior was originally proposed by Flory [38] using a split of the deformation gradient FF such that FF=FFvolFF¯. (2) Here, FFvol describes the volumetric change while FF¯ descr...
Although the anisotropy of the solid-liquid interfacial free energy for most alloy systems is very small, it plays a crucial role in the growth rate, morphology and crystallographic growth direction of dendrites. Previous work posited a dendrite orientat
The parameter a was empirically tuned to a value of 3 based on the training set, meaning that if the size of the vessel inside the nodule is larger than or equal to three times the entering vessel, the vascular continuity weight w vc (x) goes to zero. Final Segmentation The extracted ...