] In brief, I retired from my accounting job, my mother-in-law died in May of 2021, the grandchild count is at nine, the garden is green, and raspberries are on. Wonder of wonders, I find myself wanting to write.
Electrochemical characterization of poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoro propylene) based electrospun gel polymer electrolytes incorporating room temperature ionic liquids as green electrolytes for lithium batteries Prasanth Raghavan, Xiaohui Zhao, Hyunji Choi, Du-Hyun Lim, ... Jou-Hyeon Ahn Pages 77-...
15N, 2H human VDAC-1 detergent micelles, (b) amino acid sequence of VDAC-1 arranged in secondary and tertiary structure and (c) cartoon representation of the three dimensional solution NMR structure, where β sheets are shown in blue, α helices in red and coils shown in green [PDB:2K4T...