11.15.1. Academic views - Fraunhofer Batterien 11.15.2. IKTS' sites working on ASSB 11.15.3. IKTS' technology 11.15.4. LLZO manufacturing processes 11.15.5. IKTS' EMBATT development 11.15.6. Work on LATP 11.16. Front Edge Technology 11.16.1. Ultra-thin micro-battery - NanoEnergy...
Our results showed that the gel‐like SCN‐LiClO4 IC was superior to the flowable SCN‐LiTFSI [lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide] IC and the rigid SCN‐LiClO4 IC. The gel‐like IC can build an effective Li‐ion conduction path in the cathodes, establish a stable cathode/electrolyte...
they do not only dominate the small format battery market for portable electronic devices, but have also been successfully implemented as the technology of choice for electromobility as well as for stationary
plane plate-shaped fuel cells (1; 2; 3) on the filter press principle, in each case the oxygen electrode (2) of the one fuel cell being connected to the fuel electrode (3) of the next-following fuel cell by an electrically conductive element (4), which contains flow channels for the...
[19 May 1965] 21650/66 Headings G3 and R4 The voltage of the last cell or last two cells of a battery of solid electrolyte fuel cells fed serially with fuel gas is compared with a reference voltage and the difference used to control a fuel-flow regulator so that the supply of gas to...
[19 May 1965] 21650/66 Headings G3 and R4 The voltage of the last cell or last two cells of a battery of solid electrolyte fuel cells fed serially with fuel gas is compared with a reference voltage and the difference used to control a fuel-flow regulator so that the supply of gas to...